アイオワ州の150人以上の宗教指導者がトランプ大統領を支持し、信仰コミュニティの強い支持を示し… | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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Over 150 Faith Leaders in Iowa Endorse President Trump, Signaling Strong Support in the Faith Community

November 21, 2023

Des Moines, IA — In a significant show of support from the faith community across Iowa, over 150 faith leaders have officially endorsed President Donald J. Trump for re-election.  President Trump’s broad appeal amongst Iowa’s evangelical community is a testament to his unwavering commitment to upholding faith and family values. 


Since the launch of the President’s faith coalition in Iowa just three weeks ago, the number of faith leaders endorsing his candidacy has surged by more than 50, demonstrating a rapidly growing grassroots organization within the Christian community.  


“The overwhelming support from Iowa’s faith leaders is a clear indication of President Trump’s unwavering commitment to the principles and values that are important to people of faith,” said Pastor Dan McCoy, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Urbandale. “This announcement is not just a number; it’s a powerful message that faith communities trust President Trump to lead our nation forward with integrity and moral clarity.” 


Policies protecting religious freedom and promoting moral values have been a cornerstone of President Trump’s leadership. His Administration consistently advocated for issues critical to people of faith, including the protection of religious liberties, the defense of life, and the support of family values. 


“As a pastor in Iowa, I believe President Trump has demonstrated a profound understanding of the issues that are crucial to us,” said Pastor Joseph Hall, Senior Pastor at Crossroads Church in Council Bluffs. “His policies have been instrumental in protecting our religious freedoms and nurturing the moral fabric of our nation. No one has fought harder for our nation, for our future, and for our faith than President Trump!”


The Trump campaign in Iowa is energized by the expanding grassroots support from the faith community and remains committed to engaging with faith leaders across the state, listening to their concerns, and working together to ensure a future where religious freedoms are protected and cherished. 




CBS News, 11/16/2023 

White evangelical voters have historically made up a sizable block of Iowa's GOP electorate. In an August Des Moines Register/NBC/Mediacom poll, 55% of respondents described themselves as "devoutly religious."  


In that same poll, 42% of respondents listed Trump as their first choice, with DeSantis at second. An October Des Moines Register poll showed Trump's support at 43% and DeSantis tied with Haley at 16%.  


September memo from Trump's pollsters suggested that if Vander Plaats endorses DeSantis, it would have "no significant impact on the Presidential ballot." 





アイオワ州デモイン —アイオワ州全域の宗教コミュニティからの支持を示す重要な証しとして、150人以上の宗教指導者がドナルド・J・トランプ大統領の再選を公式に支持しました。トランプ大統領がアイオワ州の福音派コミュニティに広くアピールしていることは、信仰と家族の価値観を守るという彼の揺るぎない献身の証しです。














CBSニュース, 2023年11月16日




