死の接吻:ロンが審判の日に直面するまで残り27日 2023年11月15日 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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KISS OF DEATH: 27 Days Left Until Ron Faces Judgement Day

November 15, 2023

"Just when you thought Ron DeSanctimonious couldn’t go any lower, he always manages to outdo himself. In a blistering new poll out of New Hampshire, DeSanctus has now dropped to an embarrassing FOURTH place with only 7% of support.



Ron and his campaign were also caught in a blatant lie last night when one of their supposed supporters in New Hampshire is actually a supporter of President Trump and will vote for him. The New Hampshire Union Leader followed up with Londonderry businessman Thomas Estey to confirm who he is supporting for president, and to the surprise of nobody, he stated the DeSantis campaign was dead wrong.


‘Ron DeSantis’s team kept bugging me for my endorsement, but I am 100% voting for President Trump,’ Estey said. ‘He is the only one who can save our country from Joe Biden.’


There are only 27 days left before DeSanctus can withdraw his name from the ballot in his home state of Florida, or risk completely getting blown out by President Trump. He can either save face or suffer the consequences."


— Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson


Fourth place. Ron now occupies fourth place in New Hampshire — with only 7% support. The wheels came off the DeSanctimonious campaign months ago, after Jeff "Kiss of Death" Roe's deadline came and went. Now, it seems DeSanctus will keep the grift alive until he's wasted every last penny of his donors' money.


Apparently lying about his height isn't enough, Ron's campaign is now outright lying about his endorsements. 



DC ENQUIRER - POLL: Trump DESTROYS Biden In The Electoral College, Battleground States While Trouncing DeSantis


THE POST MILLENNIAL - Donald Trump trounces Joe Biden in 2024 Electoral College match up, DeSantis would get blown out: national survey














— スティーブン・チャン、トランプのスポークスパーソン


4位。ロンは現在、ニューハンプシャー州で4位を占めており、支持率はわずか7%だ。数ヶ月前、ジェフ・ロウの 「死の接吻」 の締め切りが来ては去っていった後、デサンティス聖人君子のキャンペーンの歯車が動き出した。さて、デサンティス聖人は、寄付者のお金を最後の1ペニーまで浪費するまで、恨みを晴らし続けるつもりのようだ。







THE POST ミレニアル世代 - ドナルド・トランプ氏、2024年の選挙人団の対決でジョー・バイデン氏を打ち負かす、デサンティス氏は吹き飛ばされるだろう:全国調査