FBIの長い政治的干渉の歴史を考えると、我々はFBIを信用できない  08/15/22 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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‎ICYMI: “We can’t trust the FBI after its long history of political meddling”


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Read the full article by Betsy McCaughey with the New York Post here



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The FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home has Americans worried whether this untethered federal agency is suddenly a threat to democracy. Truth is, the FBI has played politics from its inception in the 1930s. It has a long, tarnished history of resorting to deception, violence, and lawless methods in pursuit of its partisan goals.

The FBI’s dirty tricks in service of political favorites go way back. When Senator Gerald Nye (R-ND), an isolationist unpopular with the FDR administration, criticized the role of the munitions industry in shaping US foreign policy, the FBI made Nye’s life miserable, opening his mail and looking (in vain) for evidence of criminal activity.

During the 1948 presidential election, as Vox notes, the FBI leaked to Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey information about President Harry Truman’s past associations with the Pendergast political machine back in Kansas City, Missouri. Republicans used the information to try to tarnish Truman, but he won anyway.

The FBI made Dr. Martin Luther King their No. 1 political target during the civil rights era. At one point the agency even threatened to expose what they said was evidence of King’s marital infidelities, and suggested the only way out was suicide.

The American Civil Liberties Union deplored the FBI’s surveillance and raids against civil rights leaders, feminists, and leftists in the 1950s and 1960s. But the ACLU is noticeably silent about the raid on Mar-a-Lago.




