イヴァンカ・トランプ、ウクライナのために薬、機器を調達 04/01/22 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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ICYMI: “Ivanka Trump organizes medicine, equipment for Ukraine”


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Read the full article by Mike Allen with Axios here



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Ivanka Trump has helped virtually organize CEOs, industry leaders and nonprofit groups to deploy medicine, medical supplies and hospital equipment to Ukraine and Poland, an aide tells me.

Driving the news: After donating 1 million meals to be distributed in Ukraine, she spoke with the Polish ambassador to the UN, Krzysztof Szczerski, who said Ukraine was in dire need of medical supplies.

Within a week and a half, Ivanka Trump had rounded up hundreds of pallets for Ukraine — enough to fill five C-130 transport planes, the aide said.

  • The cargo included patient monitors, defibrillators, nebulizers and electrocardiographs, bandages, syringes, first-aid kits, IV supplies, and burn packs and dressings

Laurie Perlmutter, one of the donors, said in a statement that she and her husband, Ike, were "heartbroken to see the pain and suffering endured by the Ukrainian people ... We were both grateful to be a part of these efforts to send urgently needed medical supplies and equipment to Poland and Ukraine."

  • Salesforce chair and co-CEO Marc Benioff was also essential to the effort.


‎ニュースを牽引する: ‎‎ウクライナで配布される‎‎100万食‎‎を寄付した後、彼女はウクライナが医療物資を切実に必要としていると述べた、ポーランドの国連大使、クシシュトフ・シュチェルスキと話した。‎

‎1週間半以内に、 ‎‎イヴァンカ・トランプはウクライナに向けて何百枚もの貨物を集めた - 5機のC-130輸送機を満たすのに十分だった、と補佐官は言った。‎

  • ‎貨物には、患者モニター、除細動器、吸入器、心電計、包帯、注射器、応急処置キット、点滴用品、応急パックと包帯が含まれていた。‎


  • ‎Salesforce の議長兼共同 CEO である Marc Benioff 氏も、この取り組みに不可欠だった。‎