ケンタッキーの竜巻で負傷した少女の家族にプレゼントでいっぱいの箱を送る 12/27/21 | aria何でも歌い隊@じゃじゃ馬信徒


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ICYMI: “Donald Trump and Melania send boxes filled with gifts to family of girl injured in Kentucky tornado”


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Read the full article by Andrea Blanco with the Daily Mail here



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A seven year-old girl left badly injured because of a tornado that killed her nine year-old sibling couldn't contain her excitement after receiving boxes of Christmas gifts from Donald and Melania Trump.  

An enthusiastic Avalinn Rackley, 7, reacted to the news when filmed by her grandmother, Pam Moore, weeks after her older sister and best friend Annistyn was killed by a tornado that also destroyed the family home in Caruthersville, Missouri on December 10.

'These boxes came in the mail, and they are from...President Trump! Both of these boxes. Can you believe it?' Moore says as Avalinn grins with expectation. 

'Oh my God!' the brave little girl screams happily while wearing a back brace and matching Christmas onesies with her dad, Trey Rackley, who like Avalinn's younger sister, Alanna, suffered minor injuries. 

Meanwhile, Avalinn's mom, Meghan Rackley, is slowly recovering from severe brain trauma, but has since woken up from a coma and was able to say her mother's name. 




