光と闇4 -自由な旅- | 生きましょう!






















Light and darkness 4 - Free journey - 

   “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

   I think faith is a way of learning and thereby knowing the truth. 
   If we were about to drown, we would instinctively cling to a hand in front of us. Even though it might be the hand of our child, we would not only put the life of our child at risk but also possibly end up being saved while our beloved child was drowned. We ardently hope to be the vessel of His love. However, when we see someone who has died while saving his/her friend, we cannot rejoice at being the vessel of His love. I think this is the true self of us, His creation. 

   We will learn that we can only love God as a first principle, and we can only love our family, friends and neighbors in Him. Each of us is entrusted with a mission by the Lord, and we can only follow the path that is our own. We love and are loved, and support each other until we become one in Him. 

   “The tax collector stood at a distance and would not even raise his face to heaven, but beat on his breast and said, ‘God, have pity on me, a sinner!’ (Luke 18:13)

   I was very envious of this tax collector, because I could only find myself who failed to be humble before Him however hard I wished to be. However, when I was in distress due to my shortcomings, I was told that it was the subsequent words (absolution) spoken by the Lord that saved this tax collector. We will remain bound to sin as long as we are stricken under our sin and fail to raise our face to heaven. The Lord tells us who are suffering from our own shortcomings and imperfections. 
   “I tell you,” said Jesus, “the tax collector, and not the Pharisee, was in the right with God when he went home.” (Luke 18:14) 

   “There is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

   The Lord takes away our sins. He will forever wait for us until we become one in Him. How happy we are who know that we can live in His loving gaze. We realize this because of our sin, so I feel even the sin is a gift from the Lord in a way. Now I don’t think that any feelings are very bad, even negative feelings such as pride, hate, envy or jealousy. (The Lord can make use of even evil.)

   I feel that the journey in this life is a school of “love” given to us by the Lord. He allowed us human beings to have all the feelings, even negative ones. He saw what He created was “good”. We are desirous to complement each other because we are imperfect, and learn “love”.  

   He talked about Judas “It would have been better for that man if he had never been born!” It was for Judas (pity toward Judas). How vast our sin can be for Almighty God. 

   I would like to be on a free journey with Him in this world in His words. 

(July 27, 2015)