chowder 魚介スープ a rich soup typically containing fish, clams, or corn with potatoes and onions. - - clam chowder.

morsel 一口 a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful. - -Julie pushed a last morsel of toast into her mouth

relate 話す give an account of (a sequence of events); narrate. - - Various versions of the chilling story have been related by the locals. 地元の人々は、身の毛もよだつ物語のさまざまなバージョンを伝えている

burrow 穴を掘って住む (of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling. - - Moles burrowing away underground.

fib どうでもいい嘘を付く  tell an unimportant lie.

deem 見なす regard or consider in a specified way. - - The event was deemed a great success.

peon 下級労働者 a Spanish American day laborer or unskilled farm worker.
halter top ホルタートップ a summer blouse

yarn 毛糸

shag 長い毛足の絨毯 a carpet or rug with a long, rough pile. - - wall-to-wall shag carpet

mute 黙っている refraining from speech or temporarily speechless.- - Irene, the talkative one, was now mute

shout 叫ぶ (of a person) utter a loud call or cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion. - - She shouted for joy.

mind 気にする be distressed, annoyed, or worried by. - - I don't mind the rain. (v2) 気に掛ける regard as important; feel concern about. - - Never mind the opinion polls.

care 気にする feel concern or interest; attach importance to something. - - They don't care about human life.

(v2) 世話をする look after and provide for the needs of. - -He has numerous animals to care for.

concern 心配する worry (someone); make anxious. - - The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in.

worry 心配する give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. - - He worried about his soldier sons in the war.

anxious 心配して experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. - -She was extremely anxious about her exams.