snag 予期せぬ障害 an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback. - - The picture's US release hit a snag.

ecru 生成り色  the light beige color of unbleached linen. - - Shades of white, black, and ecru.

retina 網膜 a layer at the back of the eyeball containing cells that are sensitive to light and that trigger nerve impulses that pass via the optic nerve to the brain, where a visual image is formed.

nerve 安定性、勇気 a person's steadiness, courage, and sense of purpose when facing a demanding situation. - - An amazing journey that tested her nerves to the full. 

overt あからさまな  done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden. - - An overt act of aggression.

lug 引きずる carry or drag (a heavy or bulky object) with great effort. - - She began to lug her suitcase down the stairs.

spill 溢れた液体 a quantity of liquid that has spilled or been spilled. - - Wipe up spills immediately.

wield 振り回す hold and use (a weapon or tool). - - A masked raider wielding a handgun.

slosh  (液体が)揺れ動く (of liquid in a container) move irregularly with a splashing sound.
water in the boat sloshed around under our feet.

vuldge 突っ張る 

bee  催し a meeting for communal work or amusement. - - a quilting bee

ad agency 広告代理店

dale 広い谷 a valley, especially a broad one. - - over hill and dale = all around the countryside 

sneak out こっそり抜け出す move or go in a furtive or stealthy manner. - - I sneaked out by the back exit.

conk (n)人の頭a person's head. (v) 壊れる (of a machine) break down. - - My car conked out. (v) 頭を殴る

hit (someone) on the head. - - The clown conked him and sent him to the hospital with a concussion.ピエロは彼を殴り、脳震盪で病院に送り込んだ.

wilt しおれる (of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop.

beau 男友達 a person's boyfriend or male admirer.- -She knows nothing about the romantic past of her current beau.

semifinal 準決勝 next-to-last tourney round ;  a game or round immediately preceding the final, the winner of which goes on to the final.  - - She qualified for the semifinals of the 100 meter sprint.

wedge くさび a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them.

dig in 召し上がれ start eating

snits 発作的な怒り fits of anger

genie ランプの精霊 a spirit of Arabian folklore, frequently depicted as being imprisoned within a bottle or oil lamp and as being capable of granting wishes when summoned.アラビアの民間伝承に登場する精霊で、瓶やオイルランプの中に閉じ込められ、召喚されると願いを叶えることができるとして描かれます。

hump ラクダのこぶ a rounded protuberance on the back of a camel or other animal or as an abnormality on the back of a person. - - His back rose into a kind of hump at the base of the spine.

harpoon (鯨や魚をとるための)もり - - a barbed missile resembling a spear that is attached to a long rope and thrown by hand or fired from a gun, used for catching whales and other large sea creatures. 

score 総譜 a written representation of a musical composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged one below the other.

inch ゆっくり進む move slowly and carefully in a specified direction.- - The 2,000 mourners inched along narrow country lanes.

recur 再発する occur again periodically or repeatedly. - - When the symptoms recurred, the doctor diagnosed something different.

fiend 悪魔 an evil spirit or demon.

indigent 貧乏な poor; needy. - - A charity for the relief of indigent artists

austere 厳格な severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. - - An austere man, with a rigidly puritanical outlook.

ripe 熟した (of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.

creamy クリームのような resembling cream in consistency or color. - - Beat the sugar and egg yolks together until thick and creamy.

heel 思いやりのない人 an inconsiderate or untrustworthy person. - - What kind of a heel do you think I am?