spud じゃがいも a potato ; a tater 

scrub 磨く rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water. - - He had to scrub the floor.

wren ミソサザイ a small short-winged songbird found chiefly in the New World. 

clumsy 不器用な awkward in movement or in handling things ; inept - - The cold made his fingers clumsy.

gang 集まる (of a number of people) form a group or gang. - - The smaller supermarket chains are ganging together to beat the big boys.

awol  許可なく休む absent without official leave but without intent to desert; military no-show - - We not only dealt with the enemy but with servicemen who had gone AWOL.

relic 遺物  an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest.

sop 譲歩、わいろ a thing given or done as a concession of no great value to appease someone whose main concerns or demands are not being met.- - My agent telephones as a sop but never finds me work. (v) 浸す soak up liquid using an absorbent substance.- - He used some bread to sop up the sauce
clod  愚かな人 a stupid person (often used as a general term of abuse). - - You're an insensitive clod and I hope you fall and break your neck.

hone (刃や技を)磨く refine or perfect (something) over a period of time. - - She has taken numerous workshops to hone her skills over the years.