Private First Class (PFC) (米国陸軍上等兵) in the U.S. Army is often referred to as a “one-striper” because they typically wear a single chevron insignia on their uniform. This chevron, which looks like a single stripe, signifies their rank. PFC is the third enlisted rank in the U.S. Army, following Private (E-1) and Private (E-2). It represents a higher level of experience and responsibility than the lower ranks. The term “one-striper” is a colloquial way of describing this rank based on the visual appearance of the insignia.

lulu 顕著な例 an outstanding example of a particular type of person or thing.- - As far as nightmares went, this one was a lulu.

psst くそっ! used to attract someone's attention surreptitiously. - - Psst! Want to know a secret?

LAPD ロスアンジェルス警察署 the Los Angeles Police Department

nag 小言をいう annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding or continuous urging.- - She constantly nags her daughter about getting married.

ogle みだらな目で見る stare at in a lecherous manner. - - He was ogling her breasts.

cutting out early 早めに終業する leaving before the workday is over.

emags オンライン定期刊行物 online periodicals

elem 幼稚園から小学校まで elementary school, which typically encompasses kindergarten through sixth grade (K-6)

mete (正義や罰を)科す dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment. - - Punishments meted out to soldiers who violated army regulations.

rove あてのない旅をする travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander. - - He spent most of the 1990s roving about the Caribbean.

oblong 長方形 an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape. - - An oblong of grass

hatchling ひよこ brood; a young animal that has recently emerged from its egg.

coop カゴ a cage or pen for confining poultry.- - a chicken coop.

sly ずるい having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature; devious.- - She had a sly personality.

gnaw かじる bite at or nibble something persistently. - - Watching a dog gnaw at a big bone.

mob 群衆 a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence. - - A mob of protesters

reducing to tear 泣かせる bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition, or role). - - She has been reduced to near poverty. 彼女は貧困に追いやられた