abhor (v) 嫌悪する = regard with disgust and hatred. - - Professional tax preparers abhor a flat tax because it would dry up their business.プロの税務作成者は、仕事がなくなるので、定額税を嫌っている。

aversion (n) 嫌悪 = a strong dislike or disinclination. - - He had a deep-seated aversion to most forms of exercise.彼はほとんどの運動に対して根深い嫌悪感を持っていた

contempt (n) 軽蔑 = the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. - - He showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly. 彼は自分の仕事を非常にひどいやり方で軽蔑した

contemptuous (a) 軽蔑的な = showing contempt; scornful. - - She was intolerant and contemptuous of the majority of the human race. 彼女は不寛容で多くの人種を軽蔑していた- - a contemptuous look 軽蔑的な眼差し

derision (n) 嘲笑 = contemptuous ridicule or mockery. - - My stories were greeted with derision and disbelief. 私の話は嘲笑と不信感で迎えられた

despite (n) 軽蔑 = contempt; disdain.

detest (v) 忌み嫌う = dislike intensely. - - Of all birds the carrion crow is the most detested by gamekeepers.すべての鳥の中でハシボソガラスは狩猟飼育者に最も嫌われている 

disgust (n) 嫌悪 = a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive. - - The sight filled her with disgust. その光景を見て彼女は嫌悪感でいっぱいだった

disdain (n) 軽蔑 = the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt - - Her upper lip curled in disdain. 彼女は軽蔑して上唇を丸めた

disinclined (a) 消極的な、気が進まない = unwilling; reluctant. - - The rural community was disinclined to abandon the old ways.田舎のコミュニティは古いやり方を放棄することに消極的だった

dislike (v) 嫌う = feel distaste for or hostility toward. - - He was not distressed by the death of a man he had always disliked.彼はずっと嫌いだった男の死にも心を痛めなかった

disrespect (n) 軽視 = lack of respect or courtesy. - - Growing disrespect for the rule of law.法の支配に対する軽視の増大

distaste (n) 嫌悪 = mild dislike or aversion. - - Harry nurtured a distaste for all things athletic. ハリーは運動全般が大嫌いだ

hate (v) 嫌う feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone). - - The boys hate each other. 少年たちはお互いを憎み合っている

hatered (n) 強い嫌悪感 = intense dislike or ill will. - - Racial hatred 

loathe (v) 嫌悪する = feel intense dislike or disgust for. - - She loathed him on sight.彼女は彼を見た瞬間に大嫌いになった

hesitant (a) 気が進まない、躊躇して = tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking. - - Clients are hesitant about buying. 顧客は購入を躊躇している

make fun of (v) からかう = tease - - They made fun of me. 

provisional (a) 仮の、一時的な = arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later. - - A provisional construction permit. 仮建設許可 

reluctant (a) 気が進まない、嫌に思って = unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

rib (v) からかう = tease good-naturedly. - - The first time I appeared in the outfit I was ribbed mercilessly. 初めてその服を着て現れたとき、容赦なくからかわれた

scorn (n) 軽蔑 = the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt.- - I do not wish to become the object of scorn.

scornful (a) 軽蔑的な = feeling or expressing contempt or derision. - - Scornful laughter 軽蔑した笑い 

shy (a) 恥ずかしい = being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people. - - I was pretty shy at school.

tease (v) からかう = make fun of or attempt to provoke (a person or animal) in a playful way. - - She was just teasing.彼女はただからかっていただけだ

tentative (a) 暫定の = not certain or fixed; provisional. - - a tentative conclusion.暫定的な結論

unpleasant (a) 嫌な、不快な = causing discomfort, unhappiness, or revulsion; disagreeable. - - an unpleasant smell.不快な臭い

unwilling (a) 気が進まない = not ready, eager, or prepared to do something. - - He was unwilling to take on that responsibility.彼はその責任を引き受ける気がなかった