ade (n) 果物ジュース

ale (n) アルコール飲料

brie cheese (n) = soft French cheese

decaf (n) カフェイン抜きのコーヒー

doily (n) 食器敷

fodder (n) 飼料、家畜のえさ

forage (n) 飼料、家畜のえさ

gobble up (v)  = eat 

graze (v)  草を食べる

grits (n)  挽いたとうもろこし

lentil (n) レンズ豆

luau (n) = Oahu feast

m.s.g (n) 味の素 = Mono Sidium Glutamate

leo (n) マーガリン

oreo (n) = chocolate sandwich cookie

pasturage (n) 放牧

pita (n) = flat hollow bread

roe (n) 魚卵 = fish egg

tonic water (n) = a bitter carbonated soft drink made with quinine, used especially as a mixer with gin or other liquors (originally used as a stimulant of appetite and digestion). - - A bottle of tonic water.

wheat germ (n) 小麦胚芽 = a nutritious foodstuff of a dry floury consistency consisting of the extracted embryos of grains of wheat. - - Vitamin B is found in wheat germ.

whipped potatoes (n) マッシュドポテト

yolk (n) 卵の黄身 = the yellow internal part of a bird's egg, which is surrounded by the white, is rich in protein and fat, and nourishes the developing embryo.