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 I totally agree with the idea of abolishing the death penalty all around the world. There always is the possibility of false accusation. This is a big deal because no one can make up for the mistake because the convicts are already dead, and the method which makes it possible to detect false accusation perfectly does not exist so far. In addition, convicts might change their minds and contribute to Japanese society like the movie “Les Misérables” (1998). The movie “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994) also depicts how prisoners try to rehabilitate themselves with the scene of the library. There is no right to kill someone who tries to be a good person, and the second chance should be given to each person. Moreover, the article 36 of The Constitution of Japan states “The infliction of torture by any public officer and cruel punishments are absolutely forbidden.” I think the death penalty is extreme torture because we deprive someone of life. It is weird that people think cutting of an arm could be more torturous than taking one’s life. 

    On the other hand, as for the false accusation, the possibility could be less by judging extremely carefully. They can adjourn the case until they get enough proof. As long as the sentence is not a false accusation, the death penalty will work as a deterrent. Also, regarding prisoners’ rehabilitation, it is not realistic from the aspect of money. Spending huge sums of money for the prisoners that might or might not be rehabilitated is not a wise choice to make. Furthermore, according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, torture means “the act of causing somebody severe pain in order to punish them or make them say or do something” (2010). Taking this into consideration, the way of committing death penalties does not fit to this definition. Since they use chemical medicines or toxic gases, the death penalty itself does not cause severe pain. 

    However, these counter-arguments are not always true. The idea of adjourning the case probably reduce the possibility of a false accusation, but it also costs money and takes much more time. The fact is that while the death penalty works as a deterrent, some people committed a crime because they wanted to be killed by the death penalty. When talking about rehabilitation, people have to know that convicts are also labor forces. There are lots of options to save money for their rehabilitation. For example, if convicts can raise crops, they only need fields. This is just an example but the way of saving money worth considering. The argument that the death penalty does not cause severe pain does not make sense when you know how these penalties have been failed. There are many cases that convicts died in terrible pain with shrieking and struggling because of the negligence of checking apparatus carefully. For those reasons above, I strongly insist that the death penalty should be abolished all over the world.