Hi everyone! Rei here! first I would like to say all my thanks to the people and friends and you who is reading this who supports me and I do hope that someday I can at least return the favor to you (I have plans about it but I don't know when can I start it). 


2021 came and I thought I can easily manage my time as a fan artist, part-time freelance illustrator, manga creator, as a student, and as a human potato who also needs rest but second semester came and the things that I never thought would come happens. 


First week of classes already gave me lots of school works and projects which will take me a whole semester to finish it so I don't think if I can draw all the girls' birthday fanarts even if it is the least of my contribution. 


One of my school project that I mentioned is creating a 6-min animation, luckily my teacher said that I don't need to join the class the whole 2nd semester so it gave me hope that I can at least draw some doodles but that time should be spend in finishing the project. 


For the manga that I mentioned and I think some of you already know about it, the project isn't postponed and I am fully commited to it but it will take me more time to publish the first chapter knowing that my equipments and softwares aren't convenient so I have to work for it manually. 

I know no one or is affected and worried about this announcement because I am not a popular artist and I don't know if there are people who feels excited when I post an art like how I feel when Pito-san or Kougi sensei shares their art but I just want to give these 562 followers of mine the meaning of following an artist. 

I am sorry if I don't usually post drawigns and if I do, only doodles and some birthday fanarts. Thank you so much for reading all the way here and thanks for sticking with me. 

May the maths and toasters be with you 

Cheers 🥂