I honestly don't know where to begin with because 1st I don't know how to write because all my life I've been drawing out all the things I want to convey and 2nd is I have a hard time constructing words but this time I will write for the first time because it is less time consuming (lol). 

This is my first time witnessing Aqours' live stream together with everyone (1st-5th live not counted) so I am very hyped about this and I would like to give my thanks to the staffs because they are so kind for streaming the live and the 2 days 25-min stream is so much for them to give. On White Island Day 2 small You-chan and Ruby-chan came home so they were able to join me in watching the live together!

After the 1-hour wait and the oshirase screen shows about Kinchan not appearing in the live. Out of the topic, when Kinchan's staff started to use her twitter, I also started to suspect that something is not right tho I don't know if everything started there or not. 


When the live has started, there really is something about the atmosphere and I don't if it's just my imagination but I can see the sadness in all the girl's eyes. Seeing the blank space and some missing lines makes it even worse. I am not showing bias or somethins because I love them all it's just that I don't really know why but the feeling is different about Arisha's absence in their live in LA than Kinchan's, maybe because the reason of the absence? 


After they perform the 3 songs for the Youtube live and they did the emcee. At first Day 1 was kinda awkward but the they did great on the Day 2, as well, and good thing they were able to liften up the mood. 


I almost cried when Anchan said that they are 9 and 9 as 1 (in both days !) and introduced Kinchan at the end of the free live. I was kinda sad because the free live has already ended but it has to be done. 


This time I am just looking at the live tweets of people and I am still amazed at how They're able to do that? Like when I was trying to live tweet, I can't focus at watching the stream so I just gave up on it lol. Even if I'm just reading to what's happening, the hype is still there and imagining at how amazing their performances are. 


Seeing the pictures of the duo/trio winter collection and the live added my motivation to work hard so I can meet them one day tho I know it' s impossible for me to see them together as Aqours or even watch Delayed Viewing, I will still support them whatever career they'll choose.


Also, one of the reason why I BADLY want to attend one of their lives or events is to meet my friends not just my filipino liver friends but also from around the world! 


I am thankful to Love Live! because it is the bridge for me to meet such warm and kind people! I made friends or more like family! Thank you guys for supporting me and also being my friend! We interact or not, barely talk each other or not, if we know each other, I consider you as my friend! Thank you so much! 

And to this year, I pray that we all be still friends supporting Love Live! Together!
May you all be well! Happy New Year!

--From Rei to you

P.S. Sorry if I seem like not in point, I am distracted by Aqours' live, Dia-chan birthday and greeting everyone happy new year twice dhjfg