Since 2020 will end in 2 days, I decided to write a blog about my 2020 (continuiting from my last blog )
(I honestly don't know how to contsruct and create words and here I am writing a blog lmao)
This 2020 be giving me lots of experience that I don't expect to happen. Some made me cry out in happiness and some made me cry out in frustration and pain which only a few people know. I honestly want to thank all of the people who  became part of my life that started from this year or later. They may not know what I've been through but they are a big help why I overcome my struggles. Interacting them is enough to make me smile and motivate me. But, the time came where i felt like I am left out and people around me started to go away which is kinda expected because yeah that's how nature works. People come and go and you have nothing to do but to just accept this fact that change is constant. I have a phase where I suddenly feel sad because I miss interacting with my old homies but if i don't interact or talk to them first, I'm just no one but a ghost because no one is interested about me and nothing is interesting about me but and no one will like me because I'm me (lol why am I crying I;m supposed to write about my 2020 wrap-up but ended up venting XD). I have irl best friends but I am 100% sure they will just laugh and I'm tired of it. I know It's funny but I want to have a serious talk but like yeah they'll just think it's something to just casually laugh at so I'm keeping this myself (which I write here because venting kinda helps me release all these things even if no one can read this because yeah this ain't something that can benefit or interests by humans). Continuing, I am slowly trying to not get attached by people easily which my childhood bestie said that it's one of my weaknesses and I am cutting ties at people who don't deserve my existence (like they care in the first place, they entered my life to ruin it and then act like they were the one who got hurt the most but little did they know I was sandwiched with torns that I don't know what to do and I'm proud of myself because I was able to stand up again and continue to look forward) and now I'm doing my best to live my life living without making myself down just because poeple aren't with me anymore but I am still thankful because there are still poeple that I know who stick with me and make me happy in just simple things. Now that 2020 is about to end, I want to make myself better and live life like how I should.


This is really a short blog for a year life summary but yeah gotta say my life motto, 全身全霊!! 未来に向かって、全速前進!!




- Rei