Warframe Trading Guide – The best part of this game which I like is Trading, today’s guide will be based on enlightening everyone regarding Warframe Trading. The word trading is self explanatory, there’s not much to add to it. In Warframe, two tenno can exchange parts for platinum or a tradable part with one another. Maximum of 5 parts or minimum of 1 part/mod can be traded at once.

Price: 100.5 platinum Trading Volume: 239 Get the best trading offers and prices for Primed Flow. Primed Mods such as Primed Flow are considered as Legendary Items and require a credit fee of 1,000,000 for trading. If you are on the receiving end for platinum then you will be charged 500 credits per 1 platinum that you receive. So, If someone sends me 100 platinum I would have to pay 50,000 credits as credit tax.

Warframe Trading Guide

Trading opens up for you when you complete your MR2 test. Read this guide for details on the test.

The number of trades that you can perform in a day is equal to your mastery rank. So, If I am MR22, I can perform 22 trades in a day. Founders get additional two trades per day, that’s the founder perk that you get for supporting the game in early stages.

Where can I trade?

If you want to trade with a fellow tenno, you need to head to a trading post which can be located in your Clan Dojo. You can also head to Maroo’s Bazar for trading but you would have to pay hub tax which is few credits (10% tax).

What can I trade?

  • All Prime Warframe Parts can be traded
  • Alad V Nav Cordinates
  • Unranked weapons from Baro ki’teer
  • Ayatan Statues and Stars
  • Rivens
  • Captura Scenes
  • Focus Lenses
  • Arcane Helmets
  • Special Weapons Parts from Invasions such as Karak Wraith, Snipertron Vandal
  • Event Weapons Parts such as Imperator Vandal
  • Relics of any refinement
  • Kubrow and Kavat Imprints
  • Unranked Syndicate Weapons such as Sancti Tigris, Vaykor Marelok, Telos Boltace etc
  • Platinum in exchange for parts.

What Can I not trade?

Special weapons can only be traded if they have No affinity, Lens or Orokin Catalyst installed.
  • Dex Weapons
  • Fully Crafted weapons/parts
  • Special Weapons with Affinity or Orokin Catalyst installed
  • Platinum for platinum
  • Forma
  • Orokin Reactor & Orokin Catalyst.
  • Starting account platinum (to prevent users from farming platinum by creating new accounts)
  • Regular Warframe Parts
  • Resources such as Nitain Extract, Endo, Kuva, Argon crystal etc.

Some new players might get confused with the “Fully Crafted weapons/parts” point. Let’s take an example, if I have a Oberon Prime Neuroptics and I craft it using the foundry, I still haven’t crafted Oberon Prime Warframe but the neuro I did. So that can’t be traded anymore.

You cannot trade special weapons/blueprints with mastery requirement higher than the tenno’s MR rank you are trading with.

Trading Tax

Each trade consists of a Trading Tax charged in amount of certain credits. The credit tax depends on the rarity of the item that is being traded. A clan can also charge extra tax for using the trading post (Most clans don’t).

The trading tax varies from 2,000 to 1,000,000. There are four tiers

Warframe Mods Nexus

  • Tier 1 (Common)
  • Tier 2 (Uncommon)
  • Tier 3 (Rare)
  • Tier 4 (Legendary)

Primed Mods such as Primed Flow are considered as Legendary Items and require a credit fee of 1,000,000 for trading. Read receipt in outlook for mac 2015 new. If you are on the receiving end for platinum then you will be charged 500 credits per 1 platinum that you receive. So, If someone sends me 100 platinum I would have to pay 50,000 credits as credit tax.

  • Daily Reward Mods such as Primed Vigor, Primed Fury, Primed Shred cannot be traded.

Warframe Trading Lingo/Terminology

  • WTB – Want to buy
  • WTS – Want to sell
  • WTT – Want to trade / want to trade for
  • PC – Price Check

If you have any questions related to Warframe Trading, you can drop them using the comment section below.

All articles written on the website are my own. There might be a few mistakes as well since English is not my first language. Thank you very much for visiting Warframe.Today. :)

Platinum is one of the ingame currencies in Warframe and the only one that can be bought with real money. And if you like the game and have some money to spare, I highly recommend to support the developers and buy some Platinum for your hard earned money. Pro tip: Wait until you get a 50% or 75% discount login bonus and use it to get even more Platinum. But of course not everyone wants to (or can) spend real money on a free-to-play game. Luckily Digital Extreme gives us the option to trade Platinum ingame – so if you are in need of some Platinum, this guide will certainly help you to farm it.

The possibilities of Platinum farming

There are three different school of thoughts in Warframe when it comes to Platinum farming. It usually depends on your current situation, your future plans regarding how long you are going to stick to playing Warframe, and your ability to just wait. Or to put it in a clear perspective:

  • Short term: You do need the Platinum now – no, you needed it yesterday! – and you don’t really have time to wait for anything.
  • Medium term: It doesn’t matter if you get the Platinum today, tomorrow or next week. The main point is that you need some Platinum in the future and it would be nice if you have some backup Platinum as well.
  • Long term: You don’t really care about Platinum right now. But it will be nice to have some to buy stuff if you ever need it.

So unless you want to spend real money on your Warframe account, trading is the only possibility to get more Platinum. And to be fair, you can get several thousands Platinum just from trading in a justifiable time frame, but you need to understand how the market works and what items are worth to farm. Also make sure to bookmark warframe.market, because it is by far the best (and totally free!) platform to buy and sell stuff. If you want to try your luck at trade chat, feel free to sit there and wait for a good opportunity – but unless you know exactly what to look for, trade chat is a waste of your time.


Short term Platinum farming

If you want to get some Platinum to quickly buy weapon or Warframe slots, to get that one mod that just won’t drop for you or to buy the last Warframe part for that Primed Warframe you like this option is probably the best for you. Short term means that you don’t want to wait and that you don’t really care that you could get more Platinum out of your sale if you waited a few days, weeks or month. Here are some great tips to get small amounts of Platinum:

  • Sell your Syndicate points: Since most people only level up one or two Syndicates, getting mods or weapons from other Syndicates is only possible through trading. So if you have some points you currently don’t need, go ahead and invest them either in Syndicate weapons or mods. Make sure to check current prices and warframe.market (or trade chat) before you buy something no one wants.
  • Farm corrupted mods: Doing vault runs is usually pretty frustrating and boring, but if you keep doing it you eventually get some good corrupted mods like or . You can sell those mods pretty quickly for around 20 to 40 Platinum, depending on the time of day. Just make sure to get a 4-man-group with the help of recruitment chat.
  • Sell prime parts: You got a rare prime part you don’t need? Then go ahead and sell it! Primed parts from non-vaulted weapons and Warframes will sell for 10 to 60 Platinum, so radiant as many relics as you can and hope to get lucky!
  • Veiled Riven Mods: If you do Sorties everyday and keep a lookout for riven mod alerts you will get some amount of riven mods. If you don’t want to unveil them, you can just sell the veiled version – and get 15 to 60 Platinum for those.

Medium term Platinum farming

The idea behind this method is pretty similar to the short term version, but here you don’t pick the first and cheapest offer you can find. Instead you pick a price somewhat above the cheapest offers from other traders and just wait until someone buys your item. An example: If a lot of people sell for 30 to 40 Platinum, you simply put in for 60 Platinum or even more. Sure, you probably have to wait a few days or weeks until someone wants to buy it, but you will make a bigger profit. So here are some tips for your medium term planing:

  • Syndicate weapons: A lot of people want to maximize their Master Rank and therefor at one point need to trade for the Syndicate weapons of all the other Syndicates. Farming 100.000 or 125.000 Syndicate points might take you a while (depending on how often you play and how high your Mastery Rank is), but you can easily sell those weapons for 50+ Platinum. So if you can farm two weapons per week (one from each of your Syndicate) you’ll get more than 400 platinum per month just from Syndicate points!
  • Sell upgraded mods: Especially primed mods like or are super expensive to upgrade with credits and Endo. If you use your (spare) resources to do so and sell those mods you can make a big profit – and invest the gained Platinum in new (primed) mods.
  • Use trade chat: If you know what certain mods and parts are worth, you simply make bank by buying good stuff cheap and then sell it for a higher price. “Buy low, sell high” also works in Warframe and if you acquire enough knowledge you can easily make some Platinum just by watching trade chat. Getting the needed knowledge might take some time though.

All Warframe Primed Mods 2019

Long term Platinum farming

This school of thought is a mix of the other two, but takes the ideas behind it to the extreme and depends on you not caring about time. If you don’t care if you get the Platinum for a certain item today, next week or in a few years you can make a lot of Platinum. This is what a lot of long time player do and they have literally tenth of thousands of Platinum in their accounts, not using it for the most part. It is also pretty easy to do a lot of the following points:

Warframe How To Get Primed Mods

  • Use Baro Ki’Teer: Every two weeks Baro brings new gifts for the Tenno. If you have enough credits and Ducates, go ahead and spent it all on prisma weapons and primed mods. Buy five or ten or more and then lay back and wait. It usually takes month or years until Baro brings back those items. And if you waited a few month, you can make a big profit and sell mods and weapons for 80+ Platinum each.
  • Farm soon-to-be-vaulted Warframes: Every primed Warframe will get vaulted at some point. So you can simply find out which one will be the next and go farm sets of this Warframe. All you have to do now is wait again until the set reaches the price you want to sell it. Wait half a year or longer and you can sell vaulted Warframe sets for a few hundred Platinum. Same is true for vaulted Weapons, but those tend to sell at a lower price.
  • Riven mods: A good riven mod can bring you 1.000+ Platinum in just one sale. Learning what to look for and grinding for a lot of Kuva will take some time – and then you need to get lucky to find one of those really good riven mods. But it can be totally worth it.
  • Look out for special events: Every now and then Digital Extreme gives us special events with special loot and often times they are up for just a few days. You can find rare weapon parts or mods like and sell each of these for a few hundred Platinum. Also twice a year two vaulted Warframes get unvaulted for a short period of time, as well as some vaulted weapons. Farming an selling them will give you a big profit! Just make sure to wait a few weeks or month in order to reach a higher price.


In the end you should always think about your preferred time frame: Do you need Platinum now, soon or does it not matter at all when you get a payday? The longer you can wait, the more Platinum you will get for your effort. Also make sure to always have some credit reserves, since a lot of trading will take some trade taxes in form of credits from you. If we missed a great insider tip on how to farm Platinum, feel free to contact us and let everyone profit from your idea!

Also if you have some Platinum and are unsure how and where to spend it, go and take a look at our Platinum for Beginners guide!