Real Weddings 家倉呉実オフィシャルブログ「美女のためのハワイウエディング」Powered by Ameba

Real Weddings 家倉呉実オフィシャルブログ「美女のためのハワイウエディング」Powered by Ameba

雑誌『Pacfic Weddings』に掲載された


Photo by Visionari

ジェイク・シマブクロととガールフレンドのケリー・ヤマザトはそれぞれが握っていた釣り竿がほぼ同時に引っ張られるのを感じ、驚きと共におおいに喜びました。二人はシンプルな竹竿で日がな一日ほとんど釣れることなく過ごしていたのです。とはいえ、二人は初めての釣りなので、諦めずに根気良く待っていたそうです。そんな時、ようやく針に絡まった糸を水から上げたところ、驚いた事に二人同時に同じ魚を釣っていた事に気付きました。なんと、その魚は二人の針を一緒に飲み込んでいたのです!ジェイクによると、それを見ていた父親は すぐに“息子よ、こんな光景を見るのは生まれて初めてだよ。彼女に今すぐに結婚を申し込みなさい”っとそっとささやいたそうです。

Jake Shimabukuro and his girlfriend Kelly Yamasato were surprised anddelighted when both of their lines felt a strong tug almost simultaneously.They had been fishing with simple bamboo poles all day without so much as anibble. But since it was their first time fishing together, neither was in a hurry to give up. When they pulled their entangled lines out of the water,they realized in amazement that they had actually caught the same fish-ithad swallowed both of their hooks! Jake says it was then that his father pulled him aside and said, “Son, I have never in my life seen anything like that. You better ask her to marry you now.”

二人は事あるごとに、自分たちがとても幸運であることを感じてます。というのも、二人は共に他者のための奉仕に従事することを生き甲斐としているからです。彼はゴスペル音楽を通して平和を奏で(最新CDとして“Peace Love Ukulele”をリリース)、彼女は婦人科医として女性の健康を気遣っています。ウクレレ奏者としてジェイクは地元のハワイは元より、ウクレレの新たな可能性を引き出した若きミュージシャンとして、その名は世界中に知られています。彼について簡単に紹介すると、まずよく言われるのが持前の謙虚さ、親切さであるでしょう。故に、彼が自らの音楽的才能を分かち合うために選んだ楽器も“謙虚なウクレレ”なのではないでしょうか。または、ウクレレよって“謙虚な彼”が選ばれたのかもしれません。実際にその謙虚さこそが、ジェイクの妹がセッティングしたブラインドデートでの初めてのディナーの席で、ケリーが彼に惹かれた理由なのです。“彼は本当にみんなに親切で、もしかしたらお芝居では?と思う程だったんです。でも、それどころか、それが本当の彼の姿だったんです。”と、ケリー。

It wasn’t the first time the pair found themselves in a place of extraordinary good fortune. In fact, extraordinary defines their lives as individuals spent in service to others, his in spreading the gospel of peace through music (his latest CD is entitled Peace Love Ukulele), and hers as a physician dedicated to women’s health. Known as the impresario of the ukulele, Jake is most beloved in his home of Hawaii and recognized around the world as the young musician who lends a whole new dimension to his instrument. A simple introduction to Jake will reveal his genuine humility and grace. So it seems fitting that he chose the humble ukulele to share his remarkable musical talents. Or perhaps, it chose him. It’s the very quality that drew Kelly in from their first dinner, a blind date set up by Jake’s sister. “He was so nice to everyone in the restaurant, I wondered if it was an act. But it turns out to be true-that’s who he is all the time,” says Kelly.


It took nearly three and half years for the relationship to get going. The first time they were supposed to go out, Jake had to cancel when he became ill. Kelly was preoccupied with her residency and he left on tour shortly after, so they never connected. The timing was right when Jake called over three years later. “I picked up the phone out of the blue and called her.To be honest, I didn’t know if she was married or in a relationship at that point. But Kelly is such a sweet person, she gave me a second chance.” Two months into their relationship, they were blessed with another extraordinary circumstance. Jake was traveling on his first European tour, and Kelly was on a cruise with her family. Since neither of them had knowingly planned the trips together, they were pleasantly surprised to find out her ship docked in Finland the same days he would be there performing. He gave her tickets to the show, and Jake says, “It was the most amazing coincidence. Those four days were the first time we could really be alone.”

二人の愛は徐々に育まれ、お互いが離れて生きているのは不自然だと実感します。ジェイクはプロポーズにあたって143という数字を軸に入念にプランを進めました。というのも医師であるケリーはいつもポケベルを携帯していて、143という番号は”I love you"のコードなのです。彼らは携帯メールや、ちょっとしたやり取りの最後の行に、よくこの143をサインとして使っていました。彼はまずはじめに、叔父である宝石商のウェイン・カムにケリーへの指輪について相談をしました。カット、カラー、品質ともに注文通りに、そして大きさは、きっかり1.43カラットの石、を希望したのです。それを聞いたウェインはそれは不可能と思い“ジェイク、そう簡単には進まないものだぞ”っと諭しましたが、2週間ほどの期間に希望に叶う石がみつかりました。これには流石の叔父さんも驚いたそうです。
次の計画としては143にちなんで、彼がツアーから戻ってからの2010年4月3日まで、プロポーズの決行を待つ事でした。今度はジェイクの母が彼に忠告します。折角の計画も“coconut wireless”(ハワイの現地語で“近所の噂話/ローカルゴシップ”の意)で秘密が漏れてサプライズが台無しになるのを心配し、一刻も早く行動に出るよう促しました。“僕をはじめ僕の家族皆が彼女に一目ぼれしてしまったんだ”とジェイクは振り返る。ストイックな彼の祖母でさえケリーを気に入り、彼女を逃してはダメだと急かしていたほどでした。この限りなく似た二人の魂(精神)は間違いなく互いが一緒になるために存在していたのです。稀にみる思いやりに溢れるこの二人だからこそ、相手を深く理解でき、それこそが二人を繋いでいるのかもしれません。ケリー曰く、“ジェイクは私にとって一番大事な人です。彼の心は本当に澄んでいて奇麗なの”

Their love continued to blossom, and neither of them could imagine living apart. Jake planned an elaborate proposal centered on the number 143, explaining that, as a physician Kelly always wears a pager and 143 is the numeric code for “I love you.” They often use the number when signing off in text messages and notes. He first contacted his uncle, jeweler Wayne Kam, to solicit his expertise for Kelly’s ring. The diamond was to be a specific cut, color and quality in exactly 1.43 carats. Wayne deemed the task nearly impossible, explaining, “Jake, it doesn’t really work that way.” Less than two weeks later, a stone that met each of the requirements was indeed found, much to his uncle’s amazement. The second part of the was to wait until he returned from his tour and propose on April 3, 2010, again to coincide with the 143 exchange. Jake’s mother stepped in with her advice. Worried that the “coconut wireless” would reveal his plan and ruin the surprise, she urged him to move forward. Looking back, Jake says, “It was love at first sight for both me and my family.” Even his grandmother, typically rather stoic, adored Kelly from the beginning and urged him not to let her get away. The two kindred spirits were clearly made for each another, both uncommonly others-centered, and perhaps this is the very understanding that binds them. Kelly says, “Jake is the most special person I have ever known. His heart is pure.”
