Special Day 2 of Mission-Wedding | raymondmeteor1220のブログ


Thank you for reading this blog. I live in Hong Kong. I want to share my happiness about my planning and preparation of proposal and wedding.
Please kindly excuse me I am still studying in Japanese(N5), hence this blog is prepared in English and Chinese.


These days become cooler and cooler, hence I am sick , my parrot is also.



I am afraid that my girl friend may be infected when dating, however I can't wait for not meeting her.ショボーン



We have planned to marry in autumn 2019, so I would like to find some date for our wedding.



I think 11 November 2019 will be Sunday, and this day means she is my whole lifetime.



When I told her the new, she reminded me that:



The day is actually in 2018.ビェ──・゚・(。>д<。)・゚・──ン!!


可是! 同時間我們發現2019年11月24日星期天,是我們拍拖2年半的日子(((゜д゜;)))

At the same time, we found that 24 Novemebr 2019 Sunday is our 2.5 dating anniversity day.(((゜д゜;)))


然後,然後然後! 女朋友表示2019年11月24日也是容易記得的日子!!

Then, then, then!My girlfriend told that the day can easily rememeber!!


最後,結婚日子定左2019年11月24日(♡ >ω< ♡)

Finally, the wedding date is decided on 24 Novmber 2019(♡ >ω< ♡)


PS: My girlfriend also had a joke that 20 December 2020 is also a good date for wedding becasue of my birthday. Furthermore, I can't wait for marrying my girlfiend one more year.