"get [PDF] Download Why Bother With Bonds: A Guide To Build All-Weather Portfolio Including CDs, Bonds, and Bond Funds--Even During Low Interest Rates (How To Achieve Financial Independence)

A practical how-to guide for every investor.For ordinary investors who want to build an all-weather portfolio.It is time-proven wisdom, and encourages you to take control of your finances. Learn how to use CDs, bonds, and bond funds to manage risk/reward even during low interest rates.You will learn:How to choose your stocks/bonds allocationHow to become immune to changing interest ratesWhen to use CDs and individual bondsHow to choose a good bond fundHow to hedge against unexpected inflationContents:Foreword by Larry SwedroeIntroduction- Who Should Read This Book?- Start with a Sound Financial LifestyleWhy Bother With Bonds?- Stocks are risky in the short-run, and the long run too!- Bonds Make Risk More Palatable- Bonds Can Be A Safe Bet- Bonds Are An Attractive Investment DiversifierLife Is Complicated. Bonds Are Not.- What is a Money Market Fund?- Are CDs Better Than Bonds?- What Are Bonds?- What is a Bond Ladder?- Individual Bonds or a Bond Fund?Bonds: Risks and Returns- Yield, Price And Making Comparisons-- How To Compare Individual Bond Returns-- How to Compare Bond Fund Returns-- Total Return: To Measure And Compare Performance- How To Reduce Risk From Interest Rates Changes-- Duration: The Point of Indifference to Interest Rates-- Duration: The Measure of Sensitivity to Interest Rates- How To Reduce Risk From Unexpected Inflation-- Real versus Nominal Interest Rates-- Why Include TIPS In Your Portfolio?- Credit Quality or Default RiskBuild The Bond Portion Of Your Portfolio- Start With Your Goals.- How Much Risk Is Right For You?-- Understand How Much Risk You're Taking-- Take Your Risk In Stock Market, Not Bond Market-- How Much in Bonds? How Much in Stocks?-- Your Needs Change Over Time- The Importance of Low Cost-- How Much To Diversify Bonds?-- The Importance of Low Cost-- Five Low-Cost Strategies You Can Do Yourself- Taxes Matter- Example Portfolios (both good and bad)Common Misconceptions Important to Correct- Stocks Are Safer In The Long Run- Holding a Bond (or CD) to Maturity Eliminates Risk- Stocks Are Safer Than Bonds- The Best Funds Have The Most Stars- A One Percent Fee Is Small- Rising Interest Rates are Bad for Bond Holders- You Can't Beat the Market Using Index Funds- Use Multiple Investment Companies To Diversify- You Need Many Mutual Funds to Diversify- Frugal Means StingyReviews Worth Noting:&quot[As] stocks have surged and bond yields have dwindled, investors increasingly ask &quotWhy bother with bonds?&quot Rick Van Ness takes this question and runs with it in his book sporting this provocative title. Sooner or later, this question will answer itself, and it will behoove all investors to get to know Rick before it does. Read it, enjoy it, and profit from it--before it's too late.&quotWilliam J. BernsteinAuthor, The Four Pillars of Investing&quotIn his simply stated and entertaining book, Rick Van Ness eloquently instructs the reader on how to do bonds right - in fact, better than any single book I've read.&quotAllan S. RothAuthor: How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street&quotIf you are a DIY investor . . . you should read this book. It will steer you clear of areas you need to avoid and into where you should be. A quick read filled with valuable info!&quotRobert Wasilewski&quotThis book should be part of America's high school curriculum.&quotAndrew HallamAuthor: Millionaire Teacher