"Download Book [PDF]  A Practical Guide to Buying a Business: Locating a Business, Performing Due Diligence, Valuing the Enterprise, Raising Funds, and Closing the Deal

A Practical Guide to Buying a Business provides a comprehensive overview of the acquisition process&#8212from locating a business to the final contract. The information is presented sequentially with sample forms, checklists, and agreements. Some of the topics that are covered in the book include:&#8226Why businesses are acquired and sold&#8226Locating a target business &#8226Sources to consulting when searching for a business&#8226Creating the selling memo &#8226Using professionals to assist with the process&#8226Due diligence- items to request along with a sample due diligence checklist&#8226Discussion topics and questions for a productive meeting with the seller&#8226The letter of intent, indication of interest, and term sheet&#8212 what should be included and when to use these documents.&#8226Financial analysis and metrics&#8212items to review when evaluating a business&#8226Valuation, including some key factors to consider&#8226Raising funds- sources, alternatives, and strategies.&#8226The contract, including a brief discussion of the key components&#8226Post-closing, including brief suggestions on operating the business following closing This book is invaluable to anyone who is interested in buying&#8212or selling&#8212a business along with their attorneys, CPAs, and advisors. The book includes advice and information useful for entrepreneurs seeking to build their businesses. It helps buyers and sellers to understand the process, know what to look for, avoid common pitfalls, and consummate a deal with benefits to both parties.