ひ~くんの英語よもやま話=464= (名月に想う+)

Tuesday September 17, 2024


ニコニコ下の2つの写真は、私の友人(シゲさん・中村さん)から先ほど届いた今夜の月です(The two photos below are of tonight’s moon that my friends just sent me.)






A traditional moon-viewing event is held on August 15th in the lunar calendar, which falls on today in the present calendar. It has been an occasion for us to pray to the moon for a good harvest and a peaceful life. Today’s moon is also very quiet and peaceful. On the other hand, the earth is full of sadness. I wish that all of us, including the political leaders of the world, would develop the habit of looking at the moon.


ニコニコニコニコRunaway penguin found on the shores of Japanと題するCNN(Sept/17/2024)のニュースを読んでみましょう:

Pen, who was born and raised in captivity, survived two weeks lost at sea in Japan during a typhoon.

 (Runaway penguin found on the shores of Japan)


ダイヤオレンジAfter nearly two weeks missing following a typhoon, a zoo penguin named Pen managed to survive and was luckily found on the coast of Japan, about eight miles from where she first went missing. Pen had no injuries and was in good physical condition. Pen’s keeper, Ryosuke Imai, told CNN, “It’s nothing short of a miracle.” 台風で2週間近く行方不明になっていた動物園のペンギン 「ペン 」は、なんとか生き延び、幸運にも最初に行方不明になった場所から8マイルほど離れた海岸で発見された。ペンに怪我はなく、体調も良好だった。ペンの飼育員である今井亮介さんはCNNの取材に対し、「奇跡としか言いようがありません」と語った。 注:It’s nothing short of a miracle. = It’s nothing but a miracle.


ニコニコToday in History: On September 17, 1978, Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Jimmy Carter signed the Camp David Accords, which established frameworks for peace in the Middle East and between Egypt and Israel. 1978917日、アンワル・サダト、メナケム・ベギン、ジミー・カーターは、中東和平とエジプト・イスラエル間の枠組みを確立するキャンプ・デービッド協定に調印した。


 (Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Jimmy Carter) 


うさぎ今日もお読みいただきありがとうございました。ご感想を hidemi@kvision.ne.jp 迄お寄せくださると嬉しいです。 Thank you for reading. I would love to hear your comments at hidemi@kvision.ne.jp