ひ~くんの英語よもやま話=404= (理解されないディベート有害論+)

Friday July 5, 2024




Hi Jim,

Would you please read my opinion below about the presidential debates when you can?  I don’t think they have ever blamed TV mass media. 大統領討論会についての私の意見を、できたら読んでいただけませんか? 彼らはテレビのマスメディアを非難したことはないと思う。


Debate is a contest in which two debaters, both working toward the same goal, usually argue different views they have about the means and procedures to reach that goal, and the winner is decided by the judgment of the audience.  The major difference from a discussion is that winners and losers are judged. Yes, debate is a contest of glibness.  The reality of the recent presidential debate between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump was just a verbal slugfest. This is not surprising because there is not the slightest respect for the other party. This debate has been called the worst in history, but has there ever been a fruitful debate in the history of presidential debates?  In my opinion, it's the fault of the TV media. They were and are trying to turn the debate into a show on a commercial basis. It is understandable when debates are held in a classroom setting (a virtual setting) for the purpose of developing public speaking skills. Debating in the real world, as the history of debate has shown, is all harm and no good. 



Good to hear from you, Hidemi.


Yours is a reasonable assessment of the Biden/Trump performance. バイデン/トランプのパフォーマンスに対するあなたの評価は妥当だと思う。


Two old and ugly men - both sides of the same warmongering face - in truth. If that’s the best the US can put forward as contenders for the presidency - then the US is totally f**ked - to put it politely. 年老いた醜い男2人、まことに同じ戦争好きの顔の裏表だ。もしそれが、米国が大統領候補として擁立できる最高の人物だとしたら、控えめに言って、米国は完全におしまいだ。


うさぎ小生のディベートの無意味の指摘は、本当には理解されていないことが解ります。Jimさんたちがバイデン、とりわけトランプをこきおろしたいのは理解できますが、それなら言わずもがなです。 口達者をよしとしない東洋文化を西洋に浸透させたいと考えています。究極の目的は世界平和のためです。


ニコニコToday in History:


ダイヤオレンジOn July 5, 1687, Isaac Newton's great work Principia was published by the Royal Society in England, outlining his laws of motion and universal gravitation. 168775日、アイザック・ニュートンの大著『プリンピキア』が英国王立協会から出版され、運動と万有引力の法則が概説された。





うさぎ今日もお読みいただきありがとうございました。ご感想を hidemi@kvision.ne.jp 迄お寄せくださると嬉しいです。