ひ~くんの英語よもやま話=384= (Jenniferさんからの便りなど)

Friday, June 14, 2024


ニコニコ友人のJenniferさんから便りが届きました。 和訳は割愛。必要に応じ、注を設けています。


forensic science  に対する画像結果

  (forensic science)


Hi Hidemi! : I am doing well. I am preparing for a two-week trip to Phoenix, Arizona. I leave on Saturday. I am going to back to school to get a degree in Forensic Science from Arizona State University. The program is all online except for 2 organic chemistry labs and 1 biochemistry lab. I have to do those in person in Arizona.  I am looking forward to the experience but it is very hot there right now! 注:go back to school(再履修する)、forensic science (科学捜査)、 organic chemistry labs(有機化学実験室)、biochemistry (生化学)、to do those in person(⇔to do those on line the experience=personal involvement



My mom is in Japan right now on vacation. She is with a tour group and will be in Tokyo and Osaka. She says it is very hot there already. What is the weather like where you live? 注:on vacation on businessbe with a tour group(ツアーで旅している)


I think you were lucky as a child to avoid the hard labor of planting rice.  You only have happy memories around the rice planting season!  I did see some rice paddies while I was in Japan. I lived in Utsunomiya and some people had rice paddies in their front yard!  It was very surprising to me!  I guess I am lucky to be able to enjoy eating rice without having to work hard to grow it. I am thankful for farmers! Jennifer


Expressions of Today: What is the weather like where you live? (そちらのお天気はどうですか?) I am thankful for farmers! (お百姓さんに感謝!)It was very surprising to me! (びっくりだったわ!)


ニコニコToday in History:


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 1777, the U.S. Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes flag designed by Francis Hopkinson to replace the Grand Union flag. 1777614日、アメリカ大陸議会はグランド・ユニオン旗に代わり、フランシス・ホプキンソンによってデザインされた星条旗を採択した。


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 1907, Norway introduced women's suffrage for middle-class women only in parliamentary elections. 1907614日、ノルウェーは議会選挙において中流階級の女性のみに女性参政権を付与した。suffrage=the right of people to vote for a government leader


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 1940, the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp opened in Nazi-controlled Poland with Polish prisoners of war, later expanded to include civilian Jews, Roman Catholics, Gypsies, and Soviet prisoners of war (at least 1.1 million would die within its walls). 1940614日、アウシュビッツ強制絶滅収容所がナチス支配下のポーランドに開設され、ポーランドの捕虜が収容された。その後、民間人のユダヤ人、ローマ・カトリック教徒、ジプシー、ソ連の捕虜にも拡大された(少なくとも110万人がこの収容所で死亡した)。注: concentration camp = a prison in which large numbers of ordinary people are kept in very bad conditions, usually during a war.

、extermination camp =a camp where people are imprisoned and killed


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 1944, the 1st B-29 raided the mainland Japan. 1944614日、第1B-29が日本本土を空襲した。


概要 画像


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 1982, Argentina surrendered to the United Kingdom, ending the 74-day Falklands War. 1982614日、アルゼンチンはイギリスに降伏し、74日間にわたるフォークランド紛争は終結した。


ダイヤオレンジOn June 14, 2020, India reported an increase of nearly 12,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases per day (320,922 total), making it the fourth most affected country in the world, while the death toll reached 9,195.      2020614日、インドでは1日あたり約12,000件(合計320,922件)のCOVID-19確認例が増加し、世界で4番目に感染者が多い国となり、死者数は9,195人に達した。

注: death toll =the number of people who die in an accident, disaster, or war


ダイヤオレンジ今日もお読みいただきありがとうございました。 ご感想などお寄せくださると嬉しいです。
