ひ~くんの英語よもやま話=380= (田植え感想+今日の歴史など)

Sunday, June 9, 2024


ニコニコよもやま話=378=について、ホノルル在住のPaulineさんからresponse が届いた(和訳は割愛。必要に応じ、[=○○]を施す)


ラブレター I did see some fields a long time ago when I traveled in Japan but in more recent trips didn’t go [=but on recent trips I haven’t been] to any of the cities where rice is planted.

In Hawaii in the old days, kids used to help in the cane and pineapple fields but no longer[=but not anymore].  I remember working in the pineapple cannery when I was in the ninth grade. Now I don’t even know if there are such canneries in Hawaii.


We have had a lot of rain for a while but that may be slowing down.  Now we have to be careful to keep our yards free of too much dried grass. Since we had that big fire in Lahaina, Maui, everyone here needs to try to keep areas free of dried grass, etc.  That is what happened in Lahaina. The whole town burned down.  What a costly accident.



ニコニコExpressions of the Day


ダイヤオレンジWe have to be careful to keep our yards free of dried grass. 庭に枯れ草が残っていないように気を付けないといけない。 free of ~ (~が存在しない)

ダイヤオレンジI want employees to be free from harassment and violence. 私は従業員がハラスメントや暴力から解放されることを望んでいる。free from ~~から解放されている・自由である)


ニコニコToday in History


ダイヤオレンジOn June 9, 1856, 500 Mormons left Iowa City and headed west to Salt Lake City, Utah, carrying all their possessions in two-wheeled handcarts. 185669日、500人のモルモン教徒がアイオワ・シティを出発し、二輪の手押し車に全財産を積んでユタ州ソルトレイクシティを目指して西へ向かった。




mormon trail map に対する画像結果

     (Mormon Trail)


ダイヤオレンジOn June 9, 2019, more than 1 million people protested in Hong Kong against proposed new extradition laws to China, one of the city's largest protests ever. 201969日、香港では100万人以上が新たな中国への身柄引き渡し法案に抗議し、香港史上最大規模の抗議デモが行われた。



うさぎ今日もお読みいただきありがとうございました。 ご感想などお寄せくださると嬉しいです。
