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$PDF$/READ/  Fun Stories for Your Drive Home | R. Scott Murphy, the madcap mind behind the popular tracks &quotChick-fil-A Makes Me Feel Like Leonardo DiCaprio&quot, &quotShamefully Suggestive City Names&quot, and &quotI'm the Freakin' Michael Phelps of Googling&quot, returns with his second batch of Fun Stories. Inspired by Friends, Seinfeld, The Office, and The Far Side, the Fun Stories series offers amusing audiobooks, albums, and Kindle selections to help lighten your day.Part storyteller, part game show host, part DJ, part madcap tour guide, Murphy shares embarrassing work stories, conducts crazy countdowns, sets out on silly Google safaris, and invites your participation through his interactive storytelling game called Mental Kickball. An accomplished radio and TV personality, stadium announcer, game show producer, author, and four-time winner of the Late Show with David Letterman Top Ten List Contest, Murphy takes random fun to the next level.Sample fun:Important Questions: What breakfast cereal mascots belong in the hall 