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You're not being censored, we just threatened to put the theater out of business if they dare to show your movie. The government wasn't involved at all! If the result is the same, what's the difference?.
I found Armoured Skeptic's channel because of Shoe0nHead.
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The biggest point the film makes is that women blame all their problems on men and demand to be heard and men are saying women are not the root of our problems but we do have them and no one is listening..
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Everyone has to undesrstand that Womans are an Permanent force in your Scociety that keep it going and without them it wouldn't work but men are the power that brings the World forward, that higher the living standards, that fight the wars and protect this force in our Scociety , men are the ones that build the Houses and die in dangerous jobs just for Society to work and have inovation, but either way this both halfes of humanity only function together ! But it won't function if one half doesn't do it's jobs and that is working for Society and don't blame everything on half the world !.


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Ugh, I love free speech but Gavin is so hard to get through...
People who speak confidently about things they are totally clueless about (such as the announcer talking about misogynists and hatred towards women) are FAKE NEWS and should be absolutely crucified for committing fraud. These people believe men should have no rights, no protections from fraud, abuse, and violence perpetrated not only by men, not only by systemic oppression of men, but also directly by women exploiting the system of trust that increases in their favor for no valid reason. All non-criminal men should be hated and lose their ability to be functional human beings ... why? No valid reason. Feminists are sexists, and fascists, and lot of them are waiting for the opportunity to commit crimes against men without consequences... and it has begun. Every inch of fraud we collectively allow to these horrible anti-male sexists they will use to destroy society and every vulnerable individual within it. When men are fully destabilized, dear anarchists, you will have only yourselves to thank for all the vengeance heaped upon women and feminist men for being so weak and so corrupt that the only alternative left for the individual was to burn the West to the ground and make violence = righteousness again. Mark my words. It is the guaranteed outcome of your hatred of our cooperative and rational mankind, the survival and health of which is almost 100% sourced by men. That is why men are powerful and successful... not because men hate women. You should have educated yourselves before you started down the path of destroying your oh-so-comfortable lives... but you didn't. You should've taken the red pill... but you refused to grow up..

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Its true. John Stewart Mill in his treatise, On Liberty, explains that just because its the government not ostracizing you doesn't mean that its freedom when the culture is conducive to censorship--even if its economic boycotts. Now, admittedly, there is a lot of blurred lines here. If someone is saying something you disagree with does that mean you have to buy from them? I don't think so, but I do know that I will never have that be my only and sole decision as to whether or not to do business with them..

ok, so once a feminist said you where a feminist if you wanted equal rights for both men and women, then feminist protest against equal rights...* *(from what I got from the video).


Banned in Spain too, guess it's time to move on while the shitty boat is still floating.

Thank you for trying to understand our problems too.

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I have watched it. I do not necessarily agree with any side fully, but I do understand how challenging it was for you to get some of the people's voice out that was needed to get out. I have lot of respect for you for that. I don't see any advantage anywhere in my life, all my life I have struggled, no one helped outside my family, even they expected I would just grow up! No one took my mental problems seriously. No one was interested to listen to a man whining about how tough life it. I have been suffering from depression my whole life, just staying alive was extremely challenging so far. I wanted to give up so many times and simply die. Hell I thought about it last night. But I don't blame anyone, I don't expect any advantage or help or don't even expect someone would listen to my problem and empathize. Because I know that's how the world is. That sense of helplessness is scary. I don't want any advantage, but please listen to me when I am hurting. Don't say I am a rapist when I hate the very thing. I would just say, please don't hurt me for who I am when I never intentionally wanted to hurt anyone in my entire life..

Someone be sure to recommend this movie to the Ninja Turtles. So that they don't feel bad about being turtles. ;-) .
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Thank you Cassie for being brave and taking the risk involved with this documentary and standing up for the guys. Love and respect from Australia..

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Wow and they are adults.. Modern feminists are such cry babies
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I found the red pill to be informative. When I initially found out about the Red Pill I was not enthusiastic about watching it I am a part of the men's movement. I have been in conflict with a group of feminists for 5.5 years now. Leadership in the men's movement have not assisted me with the matter at all. Furthermore I think they know about the entire thing and have not been honest with me about it. I find the entire situation to be Orwellian..
It's a miracle that The Red Pill ever got made! The violent reaction to it by feminists and liberals is completely unsurprising. There is not ONE thing mentioned in this movie that is easily debunk-able!! As well there are no situations that are exaggerated either! Please give us an example of each, Armored Skeptic! The point of The Red Pill is that men's issues are NEVER addressed nor even mentioned. Women's issues have been shoved down our throats for the last 60 years! Sometimes on a daily basis. Like many men unfortunately you seem to have your foot in both camps, you cannot completely see the lies, selfishness, destruction, damage and evil of the feminist movement. I would give your review and your opinions a C-/C..

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Has anyone noticed that the MRAs is like the big brother and is respectful and kind but you look at the feminist is like the little sister Wich rude and doesn't want to listen and is always geting in the way of the MRAs.
looks awesome^^ but i think i'll rewatch the first one first, this time in english^^