How are you?? I'm fine!
Ahh!叫び I've made this blog here to keep track with my life.. My Arabic studies and my Japanese!(*'∀`*)v(*'∀`*)v(*'∀`*)v

Sooo a little about me?え゛!え゛!
My name is Rachel. And I'm kinda boring....really... ガクリ
I just stay home or go to work. That's all i do.

Yes boring... I know ううっ...

Anyway! Recently I married my baby WハートWハート
My wonderful awesome man!ハート April 23 2015
We married in his hometown in Morocco ニコちゃんハート
And I LOVE it there!!!ハートハートハート

Anyway! I think that's enough for now.

See ya later!(*'∀`*)v
And also, thank you for reading! Whoever you are なく