Hello! There! It’s Yuko!






材料 【4人分】

  • タイ米(バスマティライスがベストですがなかったのでタイ米をチョイス)2合
  • 手羽元 8本(480g)
  • 玉ねぎ 1/2個(100g)
  • トマト 1個(200g)
  • にんにく 1かけ
  • トマトペースト大さじ1
  • 塩こしょう少々
  • サラダ油大さじ1
  • 600cc
  • 小さじ1
  • ローリエ 1枚
  • ☆ホールスパイス
  • シナモンスティック1本
  • カルダモン4粒
  • クローブ6粒
  • 黒こしょう10粒
  • ★パウダースパイス
  • クミン[パウダー]小さじ1
  • コリアンダーパウダー小さじ1
  • ターメリック小さじ1
  • オールスパイス小さじ1/2
  • トッピング
  • レーズン 大さじ1(12g)

  1. 1


    Chop the onions. Cut off the stalks of the tomatoes and chop coarsely. Cut the garlic in half lengthwise, remove the core, and mince.

  2. 2


    Sprinkle the chicken all over with salt and pepper.

  3. 3


    Add salad oil and ☆ ingredients to a pan, heat over medium heat, and fry until fragrant. Add onions and garlic and fry until the onions are softened. Add ★ and stir-fry until the whole is absorbed. Add tomato  and chicken from step 2 and stir-fry until the whole is combined.

  4. 4


    Add water, salt and bay leaf, mix and bring to a boil. Remove the scum, cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

  5. 5


    Wash and drain the Thai rice and put it in a bowl. Add just enough water (outside the quantity: appropriate amount), leave for 30 minutes, and drain.

  6. 6


    Remove 4 pieces of chicken. Reduce the heat to medium, add the basmati rice from Step 5, mix and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook for 12 minutes. Turn off the heat and steam for 5 minutes. Mix gently and serve in a bowl.

  7. 7


    Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, line up the chicken pieces, and toast in the toaster for about 5 minutes until the surface is browned. Serve on 6 and add raisins.

    出来上がり‼️ It’s  all done!  It was soooo good!! 
