Hello everyone , チョキ how are you ?

I hope you are fine? How is spring in your country?桜

Hope you will enjoy this beautiful time with your family and friend .

In Georgia is little cold , still not so warm to take off winter clothes , but I think soon it will be hot here .

In my university have started midterm two ! 叫び so I must study all time to pass all exams , XD

But some time when I think about it , I catch myself at thought that I like studying , so I’m glad to know

something new about world . I have interesting book in English “ what a world 3 “ and there are interesting

story’s about different cultures and traditions . I like this book .

7 billion roses ~70億本の薔薇 / Gift from Queen Tamari~タマリー's blog

I get some present from my friend . プレゼント this is bracelet , which are made from leather

He took it from Syria , and this bracelets become my favorite ones .

Which style of accessories you like ? I hope to hear from you about this.

7 billion roses ~70億本の薔薇 / Gift from Queen Tamari~タマリー's blog

Take care ヒマワリ
