今晩は ビックリマーク お元気ですか はてなマーク

long time not see . i was watching some news about Japan and i must

say that i worry about Japan's future ...

radiation is terrible and it did not pass fast , i hope that Japanese government

will do something to stop radiation

Georgian people pray for japan .

... ラブラブ愛する日本へラブラブ...

well , what about me , i have nothing special news for you my dears

all my time is going to study in university

in Georgia already come spring and there are tree bloom

it's not cold but not hot , temperature are in the middle

and in this weeks are raining all days it's little sad .

7 billion roses ~70億本の薔薇 / Gift from Queen Tamari~タマリー's blog

7 billion roses ~70億本の薔薇 / Gift from Queen Tamari~タマリー's blog