"Get The Great Survival Book of Foraging Wild Edible Plants: The Simple 7 Step Foragers Guide to Identifying, Harvesting and Preparing Edible Wild Plants & Herbs

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If you want to be at your healthiest and save a lot of money, then keep reading&#8230Would you like to forage wild edible food in the vast nature around you?Have you always dreamed of having fresh high-nutritious food on your plate?Are the stories of poisonous look-alikes keeping you away from getting started?It&#8217s totally normal to be worried at first, especially if you&#8217ve never done it before!Unfortunately, many over-confident people pick herbs without knowing how to do it safely.This is where most of the scary stories of people dying of poisoning come from.However, harvesting your own wild food doesn&#8217t have to be frightening!The truth is, many plants are totally safe to pick because they don&#8217t even have any poisonous look-alikes.Finally, you can learn how to forage your first edible wild foods safely, how to create your own energizing and immune-boosting meals, and how to avoid wasting any of your harvest with easy-to-follow preservation methods.In The Great 