"Audiobook The GHG Method: A No ?Bullshit? Approach To Losing Body Fat, Upgrading Your Mind Set & Radically Changing Your Life.

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If you&#8217re a male corporate professional who wants to lose 30lbs or more, improve your health, and be a good role model for your kids, this book is for you.Why do some people take pride breezing up the stairs in custom fitted Italian suits, while others hate how they look, in clothes and out, feeling like a fat slob as they gasp for air?What is the difference between those who feel powerful and in control, stay in shape with ease, make smart choices around food and alcohol, and those who feel trapped in a constant cycle of boozy client lunches, 16-hour days, and 5 hours of poor sleep?How do some people have enough drive and energy to play with their kids all day in the park, while others are &#8216the fat Dad on the sofa?Is it really possible to lose 30lbs or more, improve your health, be a good role model for your kids even if you lack time, control over your schedule and struggle to motivate yourself to workout or eat healthy?The answer is Yes!The &#8220GHG Method&#8221 will 