上海人のデビッド先生がChinesePodの中で私のオシメンですが(解説も詳しいんですが何よりも声が麗しゅうて…ラブラブ!ポッ)、上級レッスン以外で今年3月まで(2010年から4年も続いた!)受け持っていた文化サロン:北京標準時"Beijing Standard Time"、の一覧リストをメモっておきます。



01:Merry Christmas! (キャサリン, ジェイソン, ジョン, ジャオジエ, コニー, 徐洲)
02:Marco Polo in China (ジョン, キャサリン, ジャオジエ, コニー, ジェイソン) 
03:What's in a name? (ジョン B, Jen, コニー) 
04:Inside the Baozi Business (徐洲, ジェイソン) 
05:English Teaching Jobs in China (ジェイソン, キャサリン, ロブ) 
06:Working in a Chinese Office (キャサリン, ジェイソン) 
07:The Many Sounds of Chinese (ジェイソン, ジョン B, キャサリン) 
08:Getting Married in China (キャサリン, ジョン, コニー, ジェイソン) 
09:Using a Cell Phone in China (徐洲, キャサリン) 
10:Cabbie Culture and Driving in China (徐洲, ジェイソン, キャサリン) 
11:How Did You Learn Chinese? (ジョン B, キャサリン, ジェイソン) 
12:A Chinese Take on Language Learning (ジェイソン, キャサリン) 
13:Adventures in Newbieland (キャサリン, ジェイソン, ロブ) 
14:Business and Investment in China - Part 1 (徐洲, ジェイソン) 
15:Business and Investment in China - Part 2 (徐洲, ジェイソン) 
16:Understanding China's Geography (徐洲, ジェニー, ジェイソン) 
17:Signs in China and Mistranslation (コニー, 徐洲, ジェイソン) 
18:Shopping in China (徐洲, ジェニー, ジョン) 
19:Chinese Mythological Creatures (徐洲, ジェイソン) 
20:Gao Kao (徐洲, ジェイソン, ジャオジエ) 
21:Leisure-time Activities and Mahjong (徐洲, ジェイソン) 
22:Keeping Pets in China (徐洲, ジェニー) 
23:Chinese Ethnic Minorities (徐洲) 
24:Car Decorations and Bumper Stickers (徐洲, グレッグ) 
25:Chinese Liquor (徐洲, グレッグ) 
26:Chinese Folk Medicine (徐洲, グレッグ, ジャオジエ) 
27:Interview with 'Secretary' Zhang (徐洲, グレッグ) 
28:Chinese Traditonal Clothing (徐洲, グレッグ) 
29:Looking for an Apartment in China (徐洲, グレッグ) 
30:Famous Characters in Chinese Literature (徐洲, グレッグ) 
31:The Great Four in China (徐洲, グレッグ) 
32:Chinese Names (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
33:Festivals in China (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
34:All About Chinese Tea (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
35:Imitation Goods (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
36:Chinese Kung Fu (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
37:The Basics of Feng Shui (徐洲, グレッグ) 
38:Evolving Chinese Terms of Address (徐洲, グレッグ) 
39:Chinese and American Perceptions of Animals (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
40:Chinese Dialects (Part 1) (徐洲, グレッグ) 
41:Chinese Dialects (Part 2) (徐洲, グレッグ) 
42:Red Chinese Music (徐洲, グレッグ) 
43:Chinese Couplets (徐洲, グレッグ) 
44:Red Envelopes During the Spring Festival (徐洲, グレッグ) 
45:The Spring Festival Beast and Firecrackers (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
46:Traditional Food During the Spring Festival (徐洲, グレッグ) 
47:Quirky Ways of Staying Warm in China (グレッグ, ジェニー) ●
48:An Interview with Zhang Ayi (徐洲, グレッグ) 
49:The Spring Festival Gala (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
50:The One-Child Policy (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
51:Chinese Empresses (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
52:Chinese Chess (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
53:A Tour of the Chinese Underworld (Part One) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
54:A Tour of the Chinese Underworld (Part Two) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
55:Chinese Solar Terms (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
56:Chinese Calligraphy (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
57:Humorous Statues and Sculptures (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
58:Stories of Chinese Emperors (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
59:Controversial Wartime Martyrs (徐洲, グレッグ, コニー) ●
60:School Life in China (グレッグ, ジャオジエ, 徐洲) 
61:Chinese Cartoon Characters (徐洲, グレッグ) 
62:Ancient Chinese Gods (徐洲, グレッグ) 
63:Chinese Children's Songs (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
64:Chinese Fans (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
65:Zhou Gong's Dream Dictionary (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
66:Chinese Medicine for Hot Weather (徐洲, グレッグ) 
67:Chinese Rock Music (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
68:Classical Chinese Weapons (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
69:An Insider's Insights into Chinese Tourism (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
70:Superstitions and Urban Legends (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
71:Chinese Wordplay (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
72:The Chinese Athletic System (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
73:Unique Professions (Part One) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
74:Unique Professions (Part Two) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
75:The Fabulous Five (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
76:Internet Slang (Part One) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
77:Internet Slang (Part Two) (徐洲, グレッグ) ●
78:8 Types of Chinese Cuisine (徐洲, トム) ●
79:Sayings vs. Sayings (徐洲, トム) ●
80:Tattoo Taboos (徐洲, トム) ●
81:Chinese Zodiac Signs (徐洲, トム) ●
82:Banquet Etiquette (徐洲, トム) ●
83:Sayings from the Three Kingdoms (徐洲, トム) ●
84:Chinese Street Food (Part I) (徐洲, トム) ●
85:Chinese Street Food (Part 2) (徐洲, トム) ●
86:Chinese TV Dramas (Part 1) (徐洲, トム) ●
87:Chinese TV Dramas (Part 2) (徐洲, トム) ●
88:For the Kids (徐洲, トム) 
89:Hottest and Coolest (徐洲, トム) ●
90:Something about Drinking (徐洲, トム) ●
91:Maternity in China (徐洲, トム) ●
92:Chinese Traditional Marriage System (徐洲, トム) ●
93:A Certified Good Time (徐洲, トム) ●
94:Pressure Points (徐洲, トム) ●
95:Strange Chinese Food (徐洲, トム) ●
96:A Brief History of Chinese Thought (徐洲, トム) 
97:CCP Political Slogans (徐洲, トム) ●
98:Chinese Games Part 1: Board Games (徐洲, トム) 
99:Chinese Games Part 2: Cards and Dice (徐洲, トム, ヴェラ) 
100:100 Episodes Special (徐洲, トム) ●
101:Spring Festival Plants (徐洲, トム) ●
102:Park Activities in China (徐洲, トム) ●
103:Chinese Opera (徐洲, トム) ●
104:Time to Get Married - Part 1 (徐洲, トム) ●
105:Time to Get Married - Part 2 (徐洲, トム)