"Get Clinical Pathophysiology Made Ridiculously Simple

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PA student here. Absolutely WONDERFUL textbook- which is nothing new for this series. Each topic is broken down with the perfect amount of detail without being too much. I was worried it wouldn't be specific enough, however I exclusively used this book to study for a unit exam in my pathophysiology course, and I did better than using any other resource (including assigned textbooks). Great mnemonics, tons of charts and pictures, and a great sense of humor all throughout this book. It is SO easy to read, to the point that I could (and have) read this for hours without feeling like I'm not absorbing a thing, which happens whenever I tried to read any other textbook. My pathophysiology instructor recommended it. I recommend it. Half of my cohort now owns this book. Seriously. Get it. The publisher should honestly pay me for how much I talk about this series, but I'll settle for helping out fellow students :)