"Get The ALF Approach: Changing the Face of Orthodontics

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PAPERBACK EDITION CONTAINS BLACK AND WHITE IMAGES. HARDCOVER EDITION CONTAINS FULL COLOR IMAGES. Millions of people treated with traditional orthodontics have experienced a relapse in crowding or malposition of teeth when the required lifetime nighttime dental retainer is discontinued. In fact, there is a 100% chance that teeth alignment will not be sustained without the nighttime correction of a dental appliance. Many may have also experienced postural changes with 8220slouching8221 shoulders or jaw and head pain or worse, or developed sleep apnea years after orthodontics. Why is this and is there an alternative orthodontic approach? The goal of the current traditional orthodontic approach is to pull the upper and/or lower jaws back with braces in order to align the teeth. This approach is currently called retractive orthodontics. The common consequence is the space inside the mouth, known as the oral volume, becomes smaller and the tongue becomes crowded, thus falling back into the 