The beach is one of the most visited entertainment destinations by people. In Indonesia itself, there are a lot of scattered beaches because Indonesia is an archipelagic country. Usually people to the beach come to have a picnic with their family, or take their girlfriends on vacation.

Vacationing to the beach has become one of the important routines of every family, because the beach presents beautiful things to see and is also very suitable for sunbathing. On the beach we can enjoy a variety of entertainment, such as surfing, swimming, horse riding, and many other things that we can do too, it certainly can relieve our fatigue which has been stressed because of work.

In the province of West Java itself, there are many beaches that are quite famous, even people from outside the province of West Java often visit the beaches in West Java, for example, one of the beaches that is quite famous is Pangandaran Beach. The beach is one of the tourist destinations visited by many people, especially during the new year. Well, for those of you who like to vacation at the beach, especially on the island of Java, you can visit beaches other than Pangandaran, besides that there are also several hits and popular beaches in West Java that you can visit, including the following.

10 Hits and Popular Beaches in West Java that You Must Visit

1. Pangandaran Beach
This beach is quite popular and sounds familiar among the people of West Java. Even people from non-West Java like to visit this one beach. On this beach there are lots of activities that we can do, such as boat rides, swimming, horse riding, and sunbathing. Now for those of you who don't know about this one beach, you can visit and feel the place firsthand. Pangadaran Beach is located in Pangandaran and Pananjung Villages, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, West Java.

2. Shark Rock Beach
Shark rock beach is famous for its legend among local people. Batu Shark Beach itself is located in Ciliang Village, Parigi District, Pangandaran Regency. However, even though it has a very thick legend, this beach also turns out to have good spots for taking pictures and also beautiful scenery. Moreover, the most famous spot is the statue of a shark opening its mouth.

3. Batu Karas Beach
Like Pangandaran Beach and Shark Rock, Batu Karas Beach is also located in Pangandaran Regency, precisely in Cijulang District. This beach is no less crowded than Pangandaran beach, many people swim and do activities like on Pangandaran beach. this can be an alternative if you are bored with Pangandaran beach, then try visiting this one beach.

4. Sindangkerta Beach
This beach is located in the village of Sindangkerta, Cipatujah, Tasikmalaya district, West Java. Sindangkerta beach is adjacent to cipatujah beach, so you can directly visit both. The entry fee is also quite cheap. Sindangkerta beach is famous for the beauty of its marine park, and there are lots of photo spots that you can see and feel directly.

5. Cipatujah Beach
Cipatujah beach itself is one of the beaches located in Tasikmalaya, precisely in the village of Sindangkerta, Tasikmalaya, or 74 KM from downtown Tasikmalaya. The price to enter this beach is quite cheap and you can also treat several people to enter. This beach has its own charm that makes visitors feel comfortable in the location. Just go there if you're curious haha.

6. Karang Tawulan Beach
Similar to Cipatujah Beach and Sindangkerta, this beach is also located in Tasikmalaya. Karang Tawulan Beach is located in Cikalong, Tasikmalaya, West Java. This beach is no less beautiful than Pangandaran beach. To enter this beach, you only need to prepare around Rp. 20,000, which includes parking and also the cost per person. For friends who pass through the arrowroot road and aim to Pangandaran, friends can stop by first to this one beach.


fererences : bangnanda