The second Cuban Missile Crisis in 2024 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Good morning to all English-speaking people around the world.
This blog is my room. And it is my room where I speak(tell) the truth and facts.

All decent citizens of the world, do you remember the " Cuban Missile Crisis " that occurred in 1962 ?

JFK ( J・F・Kennedy )  averted World War III.

It was the deep state and the evil neo-cons who assassinated him.

JFK's nephew, Robert Kennedy Jr., talks about the facts of the JFK assassination on his Youtube and Twitter (X).

It is now June 2024 and the second Cuban Missile Crisis is occurring.

1. Last week, a Russian Navy fleet suddenly docked in Havana, Cuba.
And yesterday, a Russian Navy sub

marine appeared off the coast of Miami, Florida.

History is repeating itself.
That is the second Cuban Missile Crisis in 2024, June.

2. The leaders of the left-liberal Western camp continue to provoke Putin in Ukraine.

But Putin is sending a few message by sending a Russian military fleet to Cuba.

3. In fact, the Russian military won the Ukrainian war by a landslide.

But the left-liberal UK, US and Western Europe continue to report lies.

So, the number of ordinary citizens in Western Europe voting for right-wing populist parties has increased sharply.

It's a natural result.