Swiss summit ended in failure 20240618 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is offical language.
This blog is my room for discusing the facts and truth.

I want say it.
In the end, who will resolve the Ukrainian war?

1. The conclusion is that Trump is our only hope.

2. The Ukraine Peace Summit was held in Switzerland last weekend, June 15-16.

However, during the disorganized summit, the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister criticized the summit, saying, "If they are going to hold a peace summit, they should invite the Russian government (Putin), which is a party to the Ukrainian war."

3. Zelensky was treated as a VIP, and Russia was not invited.

4. Nothing was decided at this Swiss summit, and the BRICS member countries did not sign the resolution.

In other words, this Swiss summit ended in failure.

The above is my opinion.
Below is the news.

Ukraine Bid for Global South Support Falters at Swiss Summit

    India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa among non-signatories
    Two-day summit in Switzerland aimed to cement global backing
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy failed to win over a number of key nations from the Global South at a two-day summit in Switzerland, casting a shadow over his bid to broaden support in the war against Russia’s invasion.

India, Indonesia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia were among nations that didn’t sign on to a final statement drawn up at the June 15-16 meeting. Of more than 100 countries and organizations that participated, only 83 signed the final communique, according to the Swiss hosts. A previous list contained 84 signatories.

Ukrainian officials believed that it was essential to bring in the BRICS countries in order to isolate Russia, but China did not attend the summit, and Brazil, which attended as an observer, did not sign the joint statement.

Ukraine failed to achieve success at the summit.