The Biden administration is to blame 20240617 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is the officala language.
This blog is my room for discussing the facts and truth.

The Russian government (President Putin) identified the United States as the suspected terrorist.

1. Who committed the Moscow shooting terrorism on March 22, 2024?

Russia named the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine as suspects.

2. Russian President Putin has received numerous provocations from the Obama and Biden administrations and has restrained himself.

If he had responded to the provocations from Obama and Biden, World War III might have started by now.

3. However, this time the United States (the left-wing liberal Democratic Party administration) has been identified as the culprit.

Depending on Putin's decision, the possibility of a world war is now the highest.

4. The Kishida administration, which is at the mercy of the left-wing liberal Democratic Party administration in Japan, has provided 1.8 trillion yen in support to the Ukrainian government.

Isn't this illegal as supporting a terrorist state?