Left-liberal EU is very bad | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Left-liberal EU is very bad

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is the offical language.
This blog is my room for discussing
the facts and truth.

We issue a strong warning to ordinary Europeans who are being fooled by the lies of the EU. Ordinary Europeans must overthrow the EU government immediately.
Europe is going to war with Russia.

1. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic: We are heading for disaster.

The train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped.

Europe will be at war with Russia "within 3-4 months."

2. A war between Europe and Russia would lead to World War III and nuclear war.

3. To avoid that war, the overwhelming majority of people say that Russian troops should quickly occupy Kiev and establish a new Russian-ruled government before that happens.

Pro-war politicians were just harshly punished in EU elections.
Not a good sign for Biden, Macron, Rishi Sunak, Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen,  Olaf Scholz, Justin Trudeau, etc.
Perhaps time to give peace a chance.

In fact, the Russian army(force) won the Ukraine war.
The foolish leaders of the EU governments who refuse to admit this must be removed immediately.
The EU governments are a lying government made up of people who lost elections.

The G7 leaders are all leaders with historically low approval ratings and leaders who were recently voted out of office.
The group is made up of unelected left-liberal EU leaders.

The current G7 governments do not represent the majority of citizens in the Western camp who have seen through the lies of left-liberal politicians.