This morning's message, part 2 2024/06/13 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is the offical language.
This blog is my room for discussing the facts and truth.
I storongly support Marine Le Pen and Trump , Putin, JFK, Robert Kenney Jr.,
 Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I will explain what will happen to the EU after the recent European Parliament elections.

1. This election was not a "right-wing, far-right advance" as the Japanese, British and American press and media say.

Ordinary Europeans (ordinary citizens) chose anti-globalization.

2. The biggest focus after the election is whether von der Leyen will continue as EU Commission President.

She is a bad woman, and the head of the globalists who have promoted vaccines in Europe and continued to impose sanctions on Russia.

3. The key to this is Italian Prime Minister Meloni.

Von der Leyen is currently trying to convince Meloni to support her.

4. Can Marine Le Pen win the snap election in France?

I would like to say to the French people.

All French people should vote for Marine Le Pen.

The media has labeled Marine Le Pen "right wing" and "far right," and she failed to become French president last time, but what about this parliamentary election?