ex-Shin Bet chiefs urge Biden to shun Netanyahu | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

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Citing ‘Jewish supremacy’, ‘apartheid’ ex-Shin Bet chiefs urge Biden to shun Netanyahu
Two former heads of the Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence agency have called on US President Joe Biden not to “legitimise” the Israeli government’s extremism, xenophobia and “coup” by inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House during his visit to the US next month.

Ex-Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon, who served from 1995-2000, warned that hosting Netanyahu would appear to “legitimise the government coup he is leading to weaken the judicial system and establish an authoritarian regime.”

Ayalon added: “We expect the US president to make it clear that the alliance between us requires maintaining Israel’s identity in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.” The 1948 declaration, which was announced as 750,000 Palestinians were being ethnically cleansed from their towns and villages, declares Israel to be a “Jewish and Democratic” state.

Israeli governments from all sides of the political spectrum have tried in vain to balance the “Jewish and Democratic” characteristic of the occupation state, but critics argue that the contradictory goal of upholding democratic values while preserving an ethno-nationalist state is deeply contradictory. They cite the rise of Jewish supremacy and Israel’s practice of apartheid to stress the point.

Former Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin, who served from 2005-2011, echoed Ayalon and urged Biden to avoid Netanyahu until he halts the judicial overhaul.

“Netanyahu is causing severe damage to US-Israel strategic ties and American interests in the Mideast,” Diskin is reported saying in the Haaretz, while accusing the Israeli prime minister of undermining the military and judiciary to evade prosecution.

Diskin slammed Netanyahu’s “illegitimate government” of “right-wing extremists” and “racist Jewish supremacists” seeking de facto West Bank annexation and apartheid rule. He warned Israel could go from “strategic ally to strategic burden.”

Biden has so far rebuffed invites to Netanyahu, signalling displeasure with Israel’s conduct. Netanyahu barred ministers, except Ambassador Ron Dermer, to force meetings outside the capital.

Netanyahu claimed Biden invited him to the White House this summer, though Biden only committed to meeting this year. A Washington visit late September now appears likely, if Israel avoids derailing efforts.

Two former Head of Shin bet :

Ami Ayalon (Hebrew: עמיחי "עמי" איילון, born 27 June 1945) is an Israeli politician and a former member of the Knesset for the Labor Party.
He was previously head of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service, and commander-in-chief of the Navy.
He came in second to Ehud Barak in a Labor party leadership election in June 2007, and was appointed a Minister without Portfolio in September 2007.
He is one of the recipients of Israel's highest decoration, the Medal of Valor.
In 1979, Ayalon was appointed commander of Shayetet 13, and was decorated for carrying out a long list of operations without casualties.
Between 1986 and 1988 he was Defence Attache to South Africa.
Ayalon, receiving the rank of major general, served as commander of the Israeli Navy from 1992 through 1996.
Following Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in 1995, Ayalon was appointed head of the Shin Bet (Israel's internal security service). Rabin himself suggested the appointment a year before his murder.
Ayalon retired in 2000.

Yuval Diskin (Hebrew: יובל דיסקין; born June 11, 1956) is a former Director of the Israeli Internal Security Service Shabak (frequently referred to in English as the "Shin Bet"), serving as its 13th director from 2005 to 2011.
He was appointed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and later served under subsequent Prime Ministers Ehud Olmert and Benjamin Netanyahu.
In January 2013, prior to Israel's parliamentary elections, Diskin harshly criticized Binyamin Netanyahu´s leadership.
Diskin, along with former Mossad Director Meir Dagan and former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, have been highly critical of the diplomatic positions of Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition; since his retirement from the Shabak, he has spoken on a number of occasions on his view of the need for diplomatic progress vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority and the wider Arab world.