Israel is in trouble 2024/05/05 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is the official language.
This is my room for facts and truth.
Since April 1st, Iran and Israel have been attacking each other.
I wasted a lot of time thinking about the meaning of this situation, writing about it, and then writing it down.
Therefore, this time I will not write about April 1st first, but will first explain my analysis of Israel's airstrike on Isfahan, Iran, and other areas on April 19th.
This attack seemed to be surprisingly brutal.

Ben Gvir, Israel's radical far-right minister, complained that the attack was "too weak".
That statement is proof.
The Likud far-right (settlers), who control the Netanyahu government, believe that Iran should have been attacked more thoroughly by increasing its targets.

However, a group of former heads of Israel's foreign intelligence agency (Mossad), domestic intelligence agency (Shin Bet), and Israeli military intelligence agency (Aman), which have led assassinations and foreign regime change operations, are responsible for the attack on Iran and Gaza. Strongly opposed to invasion.

Blinken Saied US Wasn't Part of Israeli Strikes on Iran
1.Israel struck targets in western Iran, two US officials say
2.Iran seems to downplay the attack and risks of an immediate response
3.Blasts heard in Isfahan; IAEA says no nuclear sites damaged
4.US issued a security alert for staff in Israel
5.Oil erased initial gains after an earlier spike above $90

Time for a catchup on the latest developments. Here’s what we know so far:
Israel launched a retaliatory strike on Iran following last week’s missile and drone barrage from Tehran, according to two US officials. 

The attack was confirmed by Iranian state media, but Israel hasn’t confirmed it, which it rarely does.
Iran says the Israeli action involved drones and failed. 

Media reports from Israel say the attack included missiles.
The strike targeted central Iran, where the Isfahan nuclear facilities are located, but both Iranian authorities and UN monitors say nuclear infrastructure hasn’t been damaged.
Separately, the Syrian state-run SANA news agency said Israel also struck Syria’s aerial defense positions, which Israel has not confirmed.
Oil spiked above $90 a barrel after the first reports of explosions in the Isfahan area, but then erased those gains as Tehran is downplaying the impact of the strikes and the risks of an immediate response.