Netanyahu should be tried for his war crimes | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

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Netanyahu should be tried for his war crimes.

Under international law, embassies must not be attacked, even if they belong to warring countries (diplomacy must remain as a means to end wars).
Israel ignored this and attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria.

Israel is making excuses, but this time it has also been criticized by Russia, which is pro-Israel.

Deliberate air strikes on embassies are unprecedented, even for belligerent Israel.

Iran is furious and is said to be threatening to retaliate against Israel.

Israel has threatened Iran with all-out war if it attacks its homeland.

Iran targets not only Israel but also US troops stationed in the Middle East, leading to a major Middle East war involving the US.

Military tensions in the Middle East are rapidly increasing, and prices of commodities such as crude oil, gold bullion, and grains are soaring.

There are rumors that if tensions escalate even further, it could lead to an oil crisis like the one in the 1970s.