AmosYadlinSays'Israel'FarFromAchievingGoalsInGaz | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Former Aman chief says 'Israel' far from achieving goals in Gaza
Amos Yadlin, former head of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate (Aman), said the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) had not yet achieved its objectives in invading the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military has two missions: to dismantle Hamas and release its prisoners, but it has not achieved these goals. Yadlin said.

Yadlin also stressed that "the time factor is not in Israel's favor, nor is it in its favor in the north, nor in terms of the economy, nor in terms of external pressure."

IOF Chief of Staff Helj Halevi said the military "failed in our mission to keep Israelis safe on October 7," adding, "[Israel] paid a very high price." did.

Similarly, the National Audit Office criticized the government's emergency preparedness and the wartime authorities' response, according to Israeli media reports.

Given its overwhelming failures, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government is facing more criticism than ever before.