Farmers' demonstrations are expanding in Europe | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

Farmers' demonstrations are expanding in Europe 2024/02/04

Good morning to everyone in the world where English is the official language.

The Japanese news media has fallen under the dictates of the left-wing liberal US Democratic Party, and has stopped reporting the facts.
Furthermore, the current situation is that the Japanese media has been taken over by Korean residents in Japan.

Therefore, the Japanese people are being fooled by Japanese television that promotes lies.

Well, I have known about the situation in Europe for some time, as I was contacted by a close friend in Europe.

Here are my thoughts this morning:
European farmers' demonstrations: the fight against the globalist EU
1.Dutch farmers' demonstrations are now spreading across Europe. They are fighting their own governments and the globalists at EU headquarters.
2.In the Netherlands, the EU and the Dutch government have ordered farmers to close their businesses and surrender their farmland, saying that pig and cow manure releases large amounts of nitrogen and is destroying the environment.
3.Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is fighting alongside European farmers. Orban is fighting alone within the EU, refusing to provide further aid to Ukraine.