TheGermanarmy doesn't have much ammunition left | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

The German army doesn't have much ammunition left after supplying too much to Ukraine.
The Japanese news media is at the mercy of the left-wing liberal US Democratic Party and South Korea.
I don't report the facts.

The Russian army overwhelmingly won the war in Ukraine.
Yet, news organizations in Japan and Western countries do not report on it.

The left-wing and left-liberal Western media continue to proclaim that Russia is inferior, but this in itself is a huge intentional misinformation.
The Russian army continues to win easily.
The US leadership is forcing its puppet army in Ukraine to adopt poor strategies and wasting all the weapons and ammunition supported by the US and Europe.

The Russian military continues to effortlessly destroy weapons that Ukraine receives from the US and Europe and sends to the front lines, and the US and European military's arsenals are nearly empty.
Germany, for example, only had enough weapons and ammunition left to be depleted in a few hours of fighting.
The Ukrainian army suffered 300,000 casualties, and the number of soldiers who could use weapons well was rapidly decreasing.


Germany’s Bundeswehr not battleworthy beyond several hours’ fight — retired German officer
Should Germany or any other NATO country be attacked, the Bundeswehr's equipment would not last long, Ralf Thiele believes

BERLIN, December 26. /TASS/.
The current material and technical condition of Germany’s armed forces, the Bundeswehr, has deteriorated sharply over the past two years, Colonel (Ret.) Ralf Thiele, a retired Bundeswehr officer told the Focus Online publication.

"At the beginning of the attack (the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine - TASS), the Bundeswehr was already understaffed. Now it is even worse," he contends.

According to the expert, the German armed forces can only blame themselves for this deplorable state of affairs, as they long delayed needed upgrades.

Should Germany or any other NATO country be attacked, the Bundeswehr's equipment would not last long, Thiele believes.

"Before it would have endured three days. Now it’s a matter of hours," Thiele remarked without elaborating.

At the end of February 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the creation of a special 100 bln euro fund specifically for upgrading the Bundeswehr. The earmarked funds were to be used for investment and armament projects, in particular, the purchase of new equipment, ammunition and machinery. According to German experts, however, no significant improvement in the material and technical base of the country's armed forces has been achieved yet. In late March, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius sacked Gabriele Korb, the head of the Federal Office for Defense Technology and Procurement. She had come under criticism for overly long timeframes and overly complex procedures for weapons and equipment procurement.

The total amount of German support for Ukraine - including humanitarian, financial and military assistance - has exceeded 25 bln euros since February 2022. In November, it was reported that the German government intended to increase support for Kiev from 4 bln euros to 8 bln euros in 2024. However, the authorities have not yet agreed on the budget for next year due to fiscal problems.