NZ's Trump-style party NZ First comes into power | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ)

NZ's Trump-style party NZ First comes into power and completely cancels vaccines  2024/01/14

The other day, NZ citizens found out that I had made a whistleblowing report by a NZ government employee.
Since the new coalition government was formed, the NZ government has taken desperate measures to completely suspend vaccinations.

ニュージーランド政府職員が内部告発 2023/12/20 | プルサンの部屋(経済・世界情勢・株・通貨などを語るブログ) (

My information is accurate and true.
There's nothing wrong with me.

They are completely different from Koreans and Koreans living in Japan, who like to lie.
I have heard that the leaders of Arab countries want to reconsider their diplomacy with South Korea.

[WHO Pandemic Convention]
New Zealand's new coalition government (right wing) refuses!
- New Zealand's previous government (Left-Left Liberal) practically forced vaccines.
- However, due to a change of government, a Trump-style party, New Zealand First, came into power. Vaccinations have been completely discontinued.
- Furthermore, the WHO Pandemic Convention and IHR amendments were judged to be against the national interest and will be rejected.
- This impact will spread to Australia and other countries.