2023/11/10 ハロー効果とルッキズムの狭間 | Ladybird大人クラス用教材ブログ



As we observe someone, their appearance often plays a significant role in shaping our judgments about them.

When individuals are dressed in proper suits or uniforms, we tend to perceive them as more trustworthy. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the halo effect, wherein one's evaluation of a particular thing is greatly influenced by another, depending on the prominent characteristics of that thing.

Some argue against judging people based on their appearance, labeling it as lookism. However, the reality is that assessing individuals based on their appearance is the easiest way to form initial impressions of their personality.

We don’t necessarily want to be around unkempt individuals, but at the same time, people overly concerned with high-end brands may struggle with self-esteem issues.

Considering these factors, it's important to maintain cleanliness and tidiness to avoid making others uncomfortable. If we stand out in a negative way, we risk being judged as strangers.

In conclusion, while we shouldn't judge people solely by their appearance, we must be mindful not to be unfairly judged based on our own.

ニコニコDo you sometimes judge people based on their appearance? 

ニコニコWhat are your thoughts on appearance? How do you want to be seen?